Monday, March 13, 2017

Preaching and Preachers, the preface.

I'm planning on working my way through Lloyd-Jones Preaching and Preachers  again. I'm always trying to read through some book on preaching and I like to read through the classics over and again. This time, I'm going to try to post a few thoughts on each chapter. If you have never read it, here is your chance to grab a copy and read along with me.

In the preface, Lloyd-Jones makes the case why we should listen to him. The book was originally a series of lectures given to Westminster Seminary. It's the fruit of 44 years experience in the ministry. It's always good to sit and listen to experienced men give wisdom from what they have learned. I know it is hip to read the latest ministry book written by the new cool rising star pastor who reinvented the wheel. But how about we sit and listen to men who have walked with God faithfully for decades and learn from them?
"Some may object to my dogmatic assertions; but I don not apologize for them. Every preacher should believe strongly in his own method; and if I cannot persuade all the rightness of mine, I can at least stimulate them to think and consider other possibilities. I can say quite honestly that I would not cross the road to listen to myself preaching, and the preacher whom I have enjoyed most have been very different in their method and style. But my business is not to describe them but to state what I believe to be right, however imperfectly I have put my own precepts into practice."
I think this is an important point. I have strong opinions on preaching; but if you preach, you should have strong opinions on preaching as well and should be able to defend them or at least give a reason why. Preaching is important enough to care about and important enough to want to be better than we are right now.

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