Wednesday, March 20, 2019

From the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias

Interesting article from Alan Jacobs on the technology of the book, thinking about this passage from the gospels.
"In referring to this story, Jesus is clearly indicating that Zechariah — not, to be clear, the one who wrote the book of Zechariah — is the last of the Bible’s prophet-martyrs, just as Abel was the first. Yet this is clearly not so: half a dozen later prophets were martyred, at least according to unanimous tradition. But there is no mistake here, neither by Jesus nor by Luke. By invoking an arc that stretches from Abel to Zechariah, Jesus is indeed imagining a strict sequence, but not that of the history of Israel: rather, he has in mind the sequence of the Bible as he knew it."
Which, believe it or not, he brings this to bear on reading on Kindles and iPads. Like I said, it's interesting. Read more HERE.

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