Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Mrs. Horseleach and Her Girls

 “Although leeches are often rated high on the gross-out scale, they've recently become famous for their medicinal uses…” That’s a quote, not from the year 1725, but from By Jacob Freiman, M.D. in a 2018 piece in U.S. News and World Report. It’s called hirudotherapy, named after the medicinal leech. When I was a boy, there were two dangers, according to TV shows, that I expected were looming everywhere: quicksand and leeches. But they aren’t as dangerous as I thought they were, unless you are in the Amazon. Not too long ago, a leech proved the settled science wrong by existing, becaulse it was long considered extinct. This leech was around 17 inches long, and you can see it a the Smithsonian. They named it Grandma Moses. Leeches are good at their job, albeit a rather gruesome one and perhaps because they are sort of gross and nightmarish, they are a useful metaphor. Agur thought so, in Proverbs 30:15 where he wrote, “The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give, give.”
 Mrs. Horseleach (no relation to Grandma Moses) had two daughters and they were just like their mother — never satisfied. Go near the water, and they are ready to latch on and drain their host dry. Though I don’t speak leech, if you listen closely, you can hear them crying, “GIVE! GIVE!” I’m not sure how useful leeches are in medicine, but they are very useful as metaphor. The covetous, like the leech, are never satisfied and always asking for more. If I’m not mistaken, some of the ancient relatives of Mrs. Horseleach are alive today and working as politicians. Of course, the only reason they have jobs is because they promise to give other covetous people free stuff. We have covetous leaders because we are a covetous people. 

 The awful thing about covetousness is the very thing you desire so much never satisfies and always leaves you thirsting for more. John D. Rockefeller, when asked how much money is enough, spoke for all of Adam’s children by saying, “just a little bit more.” You don’t have to be rich to love money, just just have to desire to have more and more. But it doesn’t satisfy. You could covet food, drink, pleasure, possessions, a perfect body type, but it won’t satisfy. Most of the time, it’s not the desired thing that’s the problem because you can covet after good things. Paul tells us the heart of the matter in Colossians 3:5, covetousness is idolatry. The idolater is looking for satisfaction in some person or some thing. Like a leech, hungry for blood, that insatiable desire will never go away, even when they get what they covet because they’ll need to have more of it. Flee covetousness Follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness. Fight the good fight. Look for and desire eternal life. And to borrow a line from the Horsleech gals — give, give, me Jesus (1 Timothy 6:11-12; Philippians 3:8).

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Reason for the Season

2020 has been a particularly hard time for a lot of people. But there is a reason for the season. 1 Peter 1:6, "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations." A season is a temporary point in time that's anchored by a event or characteristic. The season of winter is characterized by short days, cold, snow, while baseball seasons has less to do with the weather, but balls and strikes. When the characteristic is over, so is the season. It's temporary. Peter looks at pitiful, sad, state of God's people who were enduring heavy trials and temptations and reminds them, their struggle is a season. It's just a little while longer. That's a comfort, but that's not the only comfort, or even the main thing here. Many trials will follow us our whole life, and come to an end when we leave this world. The main comfort here is our trials are temporary but also necessary. There is a reason for the season of suffering.

I believe in the absolute sovereignty of God. The Lord declared, from before the world was created, the end of all things and ordained it to come to pass. God's plan will stand. God will do what He pleases and all He pleases. The Lord not only declares it, but will bring it to pass (Isaiah 46:9-11). Even the bad times? Yes, even the bad times. It's an odd theology to have a God who only does the things we want Him to do and would never do anything that we would object to. Peter understood the Lord often does things we don't understand or that we would rather not see happen. We must submit to His will and have faith if we "need be" go through a hard season. Why do bad things happen to God's people? Because they are necessary. The temporary season is needed, and designed in the plan of our Heavenly Father. Do we doubt Him?

How could bad times be needful or necessary? For God's people, Peter says in verse seven, "the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." God sends us hard seasons to try our faith. Hardships put our faith to the test for our benefit, to strengthen our faith in Jesus. The trial has more value to you than pure gold in light of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Trials for the Christian should bring us to Christ, and focus our hearts on him, who, though we haven't seen with our eyes, love in our hearts. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Now would be a good time to stop murmuring and remember there is a reason for this season, and for God's children, it will work out for our good (Romans 8:28). 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Church is Essential

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, "…thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Jesus is the rock (not Peter) and the church is built upon the Saviour of Men, not Simon Barjona. The ever-living Christ, is the head of the church, and is united to and with his church (Colossians 2:19) to nourish, strengthen, and "increase with the increase of God." The church is also built upon the doctrine of Jesus – the truth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, the revealed truth of Heaven.

Such an organization may seem like a social club, or a charity organization, but it is the house of God, the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). The place where the Almighty is worshipped and glorified (Ephesians 3:21), and the place where God meets with His people (Matthew 18:20 in a special way. It is where the Lord Jesus walks among His own (Revelation 2:1). It the place that Jesus loves, so much so, husbands are to look to Christ's love for His church as the supreme example of how to love their wives (Ephesians 5:25). The organization He purchased with His own blood (Acts 20:28).

The church is essential for the members. It's where we are strengthened by God's Spirit and provoked unto love and good works, and exhorting one another to persevere in the faith (Hebrews 10:24-25). It is the only place on earth where you can take the Lord's Supper, that Jesus Himself commanded to keep to remember his death till He returns. It's where penitent believers can follow the Lord Jesus in the waters of Baptism. It is the organization the King of Kings has commissioned and authorized to make disciples, teach the doctrine, and baptize believers.

The church is not essential? Tell that to the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. Tell the one with "eyes as a flame of fire" and the one whose "voice as is the sound of many waters" whose "countenance was as the sun" His church is not essential. Stand before the one whom John fell at his feet as dead and let He that liveth and was dead, and now is alive for evermore that His assembly, His house, His worship is not essential (Revelation 1:11-20).

If Wal-Mart is essential, and if Lowe's and Home Depot are essential, then the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is essential. If the members of Congress can assemble during the lockdown for the "Greg LeMond Congressional Gold Medal Act" (H.R.3589) or such vital and essential work as S.4762 – "a bill to designate the airport traffic control tower located at Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, NC, as the "Senator Kay Hagan Airport Traffic Control Tower", then I'll assemble to worship the Son of God. 

But is it safe? Probably not. Is it safe for your soul to forsake the Lord's assembly? Definitely not.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Words of a Mother

 Words of a mother

King Lemul’s mom was a wise woman (Proverbs 31:1-9). We don’t know who she was (or her son for that matter) but her words of wisdom live on. The Hebrew word translated prophesy in verse one is “a burden” and when it refers to a prophetic word, it’s a burden of the heart (cf. Nahum 1:1; Habakkuk 1:1; Zechariah 9:1; Malachi 1:1). Her burden was the instruction she had for her son. A burden that could only be lifted  by getting it out of her head and into Lemul’s. The Lord burdened her heart and it would have crushed her unless she spoke. She was a wise woman because she told her son what he needed to hear. I’m sure his mother told him a great many things. She probably told about how to behave in public, how to dress, and how to wash his face.  But she also had important conversations with her son.  She was wise because she taught her son truth.

She reminded Lemul what she endured to bring him in the world, carrying him in her womb those many months. The morning sickness, the sleepless nights, the labor pains. He was the son of her vows, the son she longed for, prayed for. The son God had given her and she didn’t take that lightly. This wasn’t merely guilt manipulation, but a reminder of her authority and love for her son. 

Proverbs 31:1-9 are the words his mother told him and when the king took power, his mind returned to those the lessons of his youth. Mothers have a lot of power. That’s why the government wants your kids in their control as early as possible. Proverbs 22:6  is a warning and a promise. There is a right way and and wrong way to train up a child, and most of the time, that training will stick, for good or ill. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Lemul had a mother that shaped her son’s mind in truth and when he was old, he didn’t forget. She prepared him for his future personal life and future employment as king. “It’s not for kings” to drink. That’s not how kings act. The dying and sick may relieve his pain, the downcast can relieve his mind, but the king has no such luxury. It may be acceptable the way for others, but not for you. She encourages him to do right. He needs to speak for those who can’t speak for themselves and stand up for the powerless.

Christian mother, you have a most important job. Train your child to walk with Christ. In 18 years, there are 936 Lord’s Days. That’s a lot, but not an unlimited quantity, will you bring your kids to church? Will you tell them about Jesus? Will you teach them how to live, like Lemul’s mom did?

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

A Lazy Hunter

Proverbs 12:27, "The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious."

I don't believe in luck. But, if I did, I would have nothing but bad when it comes to hunting. Since it I know God is ordains my steps, it can't be luck that makes me a bad hunter, so that excuse is out the window. I'm not a bad fisherman though. As a preacher, I think that's fine to continue the tradition of the Apostles in doctrine and catching fish. I don't think they caught trout though, but let's not split hairs. But our verse is about hunting and I was beating around the bush to say that if you didn't get a deer this year, the proverb doesn't mean you are lazy. Israel didn't have a DNR back in Solomon's day. And, for people of this time, hunting was not a hobby, but one legitimate and necessary year-round way to put food on the table.

Genesis 27 is the chapter where Jacob steals Esau's blessing in his dirty trick of pretending to be Esau, since Isaac was old, and blind, and could tell them apart. But, one rather trivial and unimportant overlooked detail, is the fact that Isaac told Esau he'd like some venison, "Sure thing Dad," and off he went. And in a relatively short time later, he was back with game killed, cleaned, and cooked. Esau was a cunning hunter, no doubt (Genesis 25:27).

Nimrod, the founder of Babylon, was a mighty hunter and famous for his skills (Genesis 10:9). Prior to Genesis 9:3, everyone was a vegetarian. It wasn't until after the flood that God gave Noah permission to kill and eat meat. I think prior to the flood the vegetation and climate was different, and likely much of the plant life that sustained the pre-flood people couldn't survive in the post-flood world. Maybe Nimrod was the great dinosaur slayer? Who knows. But he was really good at the relatively new occupation. And yes, hunting was a job. Which is the point of the proverb. The slothful man is not going to cook what he didn't go and kill. He's going to have to roll out of bed and go out into the weather and out into the field and be uncomfortable. He's going to have to clean and haul his game back home. He's going to have to do something with the meat and the carcass after. He's not going to enjoy the work of his hands if his hands never do any work. The diligent man is going to enjoy what he has because he worked for it.

In God's universe, the best way to have "good luck" is diligence in your work. But, I don’t believe in luck. The lazy man does though. It's bad luck that keeps him from succeeding. Someone is always out to get him. It's always someone else's fault there is no deer steak for supper.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thanksgiving in Heaven

Revelation 11:17-18, tells us about a Thanksgiving service in Heaven. While there is no turkey, dressing, and sweet potato pie, there is actual thanksgiving. Revelation 11:15-19 is a prophesy of the seventh trumpet, a judgment upon the earth just prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Earth, where He will rule and reign as King of King's.

We don’t have a whole lot of detail as to what we will do in Heaven, but what we know might not sound appealing to most. Singing praises to Jesus (Revelation 5:9;15:3) shouting praises for His mercy (Revelation 7:9-12) and serving Him forever (Revelation 7:15). I would think a heart suited for Heaven would look for Heavenly activities on Earth. Do you expect to love worshiping Christ then, if you won't do it now?

The thanksgiving in Heaven is directed to the Lord God Almighty. There has been a lot to say about canceling Thanksgiving, but not much said about being thankful. We, as a nation, must be the most ungrateful people on Earth. Of all the foolish things that go on, the one thing, especially now, that should not be "canceled" is Thanksgiving. You don't need a turkey or ham to be grateful. But you do need a renewed heart and love for the Giver. But, we'll be thankful Thursday, and hoard toilet paper again on Friday.

The text gives us a few particular things to be thankful for – the Lord reigns, He will judge the earth, and will reward his people. Would you ever think to be thankful for that list? One day, the people of God will gather round the throne and lift up their voices in thanksgiving to the Lord God, who is, was, and always will be, to praise Him for His sovereign ruler over the world. We should be thankful that God is in control. Thanksgiving will be given to God for rewarding the saints. How do you get to be a saint? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and fear His name. Thanksgiving to the Almighty will sound through Glory, for judging the wicked. This might not sound very Christ-like to you, if you don't think Biblically, but God's judgment of the wicked brings honor and glory to His holiness and His justice.

When I think about praising God, for judging the wicked, an immediate thought comes to mind – my sins. I know I should be and have every right to be numbered with the wicked. I have sinned and come short of God's glory and justice doesn't measure good and evil in the balance to see which side comes out on top. But when I read of God's judgment of the wicked, my mind returns guilt and how I deserve judgment. Then, I go to the cross, where my blessed Saviour took my place and died in my stead, taking away my sin and now rejoice that there is no condemnation for me in Christ Jesus. And that makes me thankful.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

It's a Joke

"As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death, so is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I in sport?" Proverbs 26:18-19.

Standing at the end of the road is a wild man who has clearly lost his mind. He can't be reasoned with and has lost all control of his emotions. Pacing back and forth around his bonfire, muttering under his breath, he picks a stick out of the fire and throws it in the woods. Grabbing a few more brands he walks down the road and tosses one into a field setting it ablaze. A little further, he throws another in someone's yard and catches their leaves on fire. The last one lands on the front porch of the next house he comes to. Not content with arson, he takes up his bow and fires up in the air toward town. He doesn't care where they land. He aims at houses and turns and fires them into the streets. This madman pulls back the bow and lets arrows sail at a random passersby, unaware of their peril. He is causing trouble, even worse, working death. Truly, a mad man. Solomon paints a picture of a wicked man who is a danger to everyone around him.

Solomon said the man who lies to his neighbor and then tells him, "I was just joking," is just as wicked. There's a time for fun and a time to laugh. But there is certainly a limit to what passes for fun into sinfulness. "It was a joke" is not a trump card for hateful actions and sinful words. It's not an excuse for evil. Some say the most hateful and vile things to people and cover their hate with a disguise of jest. The, "I was just joking" excuse often comes when the man gets caught. To escape judgment or condemnation, it's quite the handy excuse to say you were just teasing. Let someone have it and really tell them what you think of them and then when the consequences roll around, they say they were just joking around and didn't really mean it. "You are so sensitive. Can't you take a joke?" This is a favorite device of mean husbands to the unfortunate women they married.

Lying to your neighbor is bad. Lying to your neighbor twice is twice as bad – first by deceiving him and the second by covering it up by saying it was a joke. It's wrong because of the harm it causes. Like the mad man starting fires, treating your someone this way works unintended consequences. First, they have the wound of being deceived but when they hear, "am not I in sport?" they now have the burden of a wounded conscience. It's their fault they were deceived and hurt because they are too sensitive and dimwitted to take a joke. 

Christians should have their speech be always with grace (Colossians 4:6) and should follow the spirit of our Redeemer and not the Devil.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

John Owen on Matthew 16:18, Church councils, and heresy

This is long, but worth your time, I think. John Owen writing on Matthew 16:18 in his preface to The Glory of Christ, shows it is Christ's church, not men, councils, or assemblies, that is the pillar and ground of truth. 

The interesting point he makes is that before the universal church was a practice, heresies came and went but didn't make great headway. It wasn't until the universal church and councils tried to "nail down" and define truth, that heresies grew. These "church councils"  then did more harm than good. When men try to improve upon a divine institution, by dividing or taking away, they make it worse.

Think how much error and division has come from groups like The Gospel Coalition or any number of "ministries" ran by celebrity pastors and book sellers. Though they have published many good things, the harm they have done outstrips the good.

"The defense of the truth, from the beginning, was left in charge unto, and managed by, the guides and rulers of the church in their several capacities. And by the Scripture it was that they discharged their duty, confirmed with apostolical tradition consonant thereunto. This was left in charge unto them by the great apostle, (Acts xx. 28–31; 1 Tim. vi. 13, 14; 2 Tim. ii. 1, 2, 15, 23, 24, iv. 1-5,) and wherein any of them failed in this duty, they were reproved by Christ himself: Rev. ii. 14, 15, 20. Nor were private believers (in their places and capacities) either unable for this duty or exempt from it, but discharged themselves faithfully therein, according unto commandment given unto them: 1 John ii. 20, 27, iv. 1-3; 2 John 8, 9. All true believers, in their several stations—by mutual watchfulness, preaching, or writing, according unto their calls and abilities—effectually used the outward means for the preservation and propagation of the faith of the church. And the same means are still sufficient unto the same ends, were they attended unto with conscience and diligence. The pretended defence of truth with arts and arms of another kind hath been the bane of religion, and lost the peace of Christians beyond recovery. And it may be observed, that whilst this way alone for the preservation of the truth was insisted on and pursued, although innumerable heresies arose one after another, and sometimes many together, yet they never made any great progress, nor arrived unto any such consistency as to make a stated opposition unto the truth; but the errors themselves, and their authors, were as vagrant meteors, which appeared for a little while, and vanished away. Afterwards it was not so, when other ways and means for the suppression of heresies were judged convenient and needful.

For in process of time, when the power of the Roman empire gave countenance and protection unto the Christian religion, another way was fixed on for this end, viz., the use of such assemblies of bishops and others as they called General Councils, armed with a mixed power, partly civil and partly ecclesiastical—with respect unto the authority of the emperors and that jurisdiction in the church which began then to be first talked of. This way was begun in the Council of Nice, wherein, although there was a determination of the doctrine concerning the person of Christ—then in agitation, and opposed, as unto his divine nature therein-according unto the truth, yet sundry evils and inconveniences ensued thereon. For thenceforth the faith of Christians began greatly to be resolved into the authority of men, and as much, if not more weight to be laid on what was decreed by the fathers there assembled, than on what was clearly taught in the Scriptures. Besides, being necessitated, as they thought, to explain their conceptions of the divine nature of Christ in words either not used in the Scripture, or whose significa-, tion unto that purpose was not determined therein, occasion was given unto endless contentions about them. The Grecians themselves could not for a long season agree among themselves whether oủsia and iTÓCTCOIS were of the same signification or no, (both of them denoting essence and substance,) or whether they differed in their signification, or if they did, wherein that difference lay. Athanasius at first affirmed them to be the same: Orat. v. con. Arian., and Epist. ad African Basil denied them so to be, or that they were used unto the same purpose in the Council of Nice: Epist. lxxviii. The like difference immediately fell out between the Grecians and Latins about “hypostasis” and “persona.” For the Latins rendered “hypostasis” by “substantia," and mpóOWTOV by “ persona.” Hereof Jerome complains, in his Epistle to Damasus, that they required of him in the East to confess“ tres hypostases,” and he would only acknowledge“ tres personas:" Epist. lxxi. And Augustine gives an account of the same difference: De Trinitate, lib. v. cap. 8, 9. Athanasius endeavoured the composing of this difference, and in a good measure effected it, as Gregory Nazianzen affirms in his oration concerning his praise. It was done by him in a synod at Alexandria, in the first year of Julian's reign. On this occasion many contests arose even among them who all pleaded their adhe. rence unto the doctrine of the Council of Nice. And as the subtle Arians made incredible advantage hereof at first, pretending that they opposed not the deity of Christ, but only the expression of it by ouoouolos, so afterwards they countenanced themselves in coining words and terms, to express their minds with, which utterly rejected it. Hence were their oworoccios, ¿Tepovolos, oủx övrwv, and the like names of blasphemy, about which the contests were fierce and endless. And there were yet farther evils that ensued hereon. For the curious and serpentine wits of men, finding themselves by this means set at liberty to think and discourse of those mysteries of the blessed Trinity, and the person of Christ, without much regard unto plain divine testimonies, (in such ways wherein cunning and sophistry did much bear sway,) began to multiply such new, curious, and false notions about them, especially about the latter, as caused new disturbances, and those of large extent and long continuance. For their suppression, councils were called on the neck of one another, whereon commonly new occasions of differences did arise, and most of them managed with great scandal unto the Christian religion. For men began much to forego the primitive ways of opposing errors and extinguishing heresies; betaking themselves unto their interest, the number of their party, and their prevalency with the present emperors. And although it so fell out--as in that at Constantinople, the first at Ephesus, and that at Chalcedon--that the truth (for the substance of it) did prevail, (for in many others it happened quite otherwise,) yet did they always give occasions unto new divisions, animosities, and even mutual hatreds, among the principal leaders of the Christian people. And great contests there were among some of those who pretended to believe the same truth, whether such or such a council should be received—that is, plainly, whether the church should resolve its faith into their authority. The strifes of this nature about the first Ephesian Council, and that at Chalcedon, not to mention those wherein the Arians prevailed, take up a good part of the ecclesiastical story of those days. And it cannot be denied, but that some of the principal persons and assemblies who adhered unto the truth did, in the heat of opposition unto the heresies of other men, fall into unjustifiable excess themselves.

We may take an instance hereof with respect unto the Nestorian heresy, condemned in the first Ephesian Council, and afterward in that at Chalcedon. Cyril of Alexandria, a man learned and vehement, designed by all means to be unto it what his predecessor Athanasius had been to the Arian; but he fell into such excesses in ķis undertakings, as gave great occasion unto farther tumults. For it is evident that he distinguisheth not between υπόστασις and φύσις, and therefore affirms, that the divine Word and humanity had uicer qúorv, one nature only. So he doth plainly in Epist. ad Successum : “ They are ignorant,” saith he, őri nat' årýderav goti uía púois toũ hóyou GEOAprouévn. Hence Eutyches the Archimandrite took occasion to run into a contrary extreme, being a no less fierce enemy to Nestorius than Cyril was. For to oppose him who divided the person of Christ into two, he confounded his natures into one—his delirant folly being confirmed by that goodly assembly, the second at Ephesus. Besides, it is confessed that Cyril—through the vehemency of his spirit, hatred unto Nestorius, and following the conduct of his own mind in nice and subtle expressions of the great mystery of the person of Christ-did utter many things exceeding the bounds of sobriety prescribed unto us by the apostle, (Rom. xii. 3,) if not those of truth itself. Hence it is come to pass, that many learned men begin to think and write that Cyril was in the wrong, and Nestorius by his means condemned undeservedly. However, it is certain to me, that the doctrine condemned at Ephesus and Chalcedon as the doctrine of Nestorius, was destructive of the true person of Christ; and that Cyril, though he missed it in sundry expressions, yet aimed at the declaration and confirmation of the truth; as he was long since vindicated by Theorianus: Dialog. con. Armenios.

However, such was the watchful care of Christ over the church, as unto the preservation of this sacred, fundamental truth, concerning his divine person, and the union of his natures therein, retaining their distinct properties and operations, that—notwithstanding all the faction and disorder that were in those primitive councils, and the scandalous contests of many of the members of them; notwithstanding the determination contrary unto it in great and numerous councils—the faith of it was preserved entire in the hearts of all that truly believed, and triumphed over the gates of hell.

I have mentioned these few things, which belong unto the promise and prediction of our blessed Saviour in Matthew 16:18, (the place insisted on,) to show that the church, without any disadvantage to the truth, may be preserved without such general assemblies, which, in the following ages, proved the most pernicious engines for the corruption of the faith, worship, and manners of it. Yea, from the beginning, they were so far from being the only way of preserving truth, that it was almost constantly prejudiced by the addition of their authority unto the confirmation of it. Nor was there any one of them wherein “ the mystery of iniquity” did not work, unto the laying of some rubbish in the foundation of that fatal apostasy which afterwards openly ensued. The Lord Christ himself hath taken it upon him to build his church on this rock of his person, by true faith of it and in it. He sends his Holy Spirit to bear testimony unto him, in all the blessed effects of his power and grace. He continueth his Word, with the faithful ministry of it, to reveal, declare, make known, and vindicate his sacred truth, unto the conviction of gainsayers. He keeps up that faith in him, that love unto him, in the hearts of all his elect, as shall not be prevailed against. Wherefore, although the oppositions unto this sacred truth, this fundamental article of the church and the Christian religion—concerning his divine person, its constitution, and use, as the human nature conjoined substantially unto it, and subsisting in it-are in this last age increased; although they are managed under so great a variety of forms, as that they are not reducible unto any heads of order; although they are promoted with more subtlety and specious pretences than in former ages; yet, if we are not wanting unto our duty, with the aids of grace proposed unto us, we shall finally triumph in this cause, and transmit this sacred truth inviolate unto them that succeed us in the profession of it."

A Form of Godliness

I lived in North Carolina for a time, quite close to a very big seminary. In town, you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a preacher in training. I couldn’t begin to guess how many times I was told that I was told that, “I didn’t look like a pastor.” I started replying by asking them what a pastor was supposed to look like? But I never got any answers. I knew what they meant. I didn't look like all the other pastors in town. I was weighed in the balance of their perceptions and found wanting because I didn't look like a slicked-faced salesman in a suit and tie. What does the Bible say a pastor ought to look like? Chapter and verse, please. 

Paul warns in 2 Timothy 3:5 about false teachers who have a " form of godliness." They look the part, or at least they look the part of what people perceive the part is supposed to look like. Godliness has a form because there is such a thing as godliness and it can be defined. Godliness is practical piety, or when someone is expressing love and devotion to God by their fidelity to Him in obeying His word and following His Lordship. Godliness is loving the true and living God as He has revealed Himself in the Scriptures where the Lord has given us “all things all things that pertain unto life and godliness.” Christians have everything needed to live godly lives, including what actually defines godliness. 

The Enemy of souls likes to copy the Lord’s work. There are missionaries of darkness, deceivers who go out into the world, taking the name of Christ and living with a form of godliness defined by the perception of the people he is preaching to. False teachers have a form of godliness, but not the real thing. They are a copy, patterned after what they have seen and heard and perceive a Christian ought to be. It’s all on the outside. They dress in a way that gives the appearance of godliness. Or, they may speak in a way that gives an appearance of godliness. They talk the lingo, and dress the part and sell a product. To the undiscerning eye, they are the picture of what a Christian ought to be. But they deny the power of godliness. They have a form but stumble over shibboleth. 

Godliness is not an abstract but it’s something real, with genuine power. 2 Peter 1:3-8 shows us that knowledge is connected to godliness. How can you be a godly person if you don’t know what it means? But godliness is more than knowledge. There is a genuine love of Christ, wrought in the heart by the effectual working power of the Spirit of God. Without being made a partaker of the divine nature, you’ll never escape the corruption of the world. Are you a godly person? Does your life characterize a person who loves and is dedicated to the Lord Jesus?

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Examples of Grace

"That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus," Ephesians 2:7.

The Lord has greatly blessed me. He saved my unworthy soul when I deserved to go to Hell. Jesus rescued me, certainly not because I deserved it, but because He showed this wretched sinner mercy. I'm thankful for what Christ did for me and what He's doing for me now, and what He has promised to do in the future. Our text isn't talking about the here and now, but in ages and generations to come. Do you every think about life after death? Does this world have such a hold on you that you are captive to its every whim? God showed mercy to sinners to make the redeemed displays of His grace. He brought us from under wrath to the trophies of His mercy.

In the ages to come, in the New Earth, God's people, washed in the blood of the Lamb, will be the demonstrations of God's awesome kindness. The Lord saved sinners so He might show through all eternity, how gracious and kind He is to us through Jesus. God, to glorify His kindness, has planned to use His people as the means on which to show that kindness. The Almighty will show how good He is in eternity by continually showing kindness to his children. God has already shown more mercy and kindness to a sinner like me than I can calculate, but the storehouse of goodness will never empty. I'll never get to the bottom of the treasure house of grace. In the ages to come, God will STILL be showing me how good He is through Christ Jesus

I know this life is hard and it may seem like one battle after the other and can easily get discouraged and downcast. But if you are in Christ, you have this eternal joy waiting for you. You have the unending, multiplied blessings waiting. Look to His promises and live by faith. Don't become a slave to what the world tells you to think and how the world tells you to feel. I have liberty in Christ, and I am His freeman. I need not live in the bondage of fear any longer, that's not the spirit of God within. Do you know Christ? Then consider the end of His great sacrifice that redeems, justifies, and glorifies. You have a living hope in a living Saviour, who wills that His people, His purchased possessions will be where He is and see Him as He is. It was Christ that loved me, sought me, saved me, died for me in my place, redeemed me, gave me life, granted me repentance, and unites Himself to me, so that I am one with Him – and it is Christ in whom I have hope in for the future. He has never done me wrong or failed to do what He promised.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Feast of Tabernacles.

During the Feast of Tabernacles the children of Israel went camping. Personally, I prefer hammock camping, but they had some regulations and had to use a tent (also called tabernacles, or booths) constructed from trees. In West Virginia, wilderness camping means go to Dolly Sods and camping amongst the bears in the wild. But for the children of Israel, wilderness camping meant something else. Leaving Egypt and wandering in the wilderness before entering the promised land for 40 years was wilderness camping for Israel.

 God established an annual, weeklong camping trip/feast, where they gathered together and lived in tents like their forefathers did when they left Egypt (Leviticus 23:42-44). Every year, away from home, they and remembered the old days and how God delivered their ancestors from Pharaoh and brought them into the good land, flowing with milk and honey. They also recalled, though God kept His promise, it was because of the disobedience and hard hearts of their forefathers, they spent 40 years in booths, rather than a couple weeks. "I know you want to go back home Johnny, but imagine living like this for 40 years!"

 The Feast of Tabernacles wasn't just a family reunion, it was a solemn feast, a religious festival. They rejoiced in God's goodness, in faith and thanksgiving (Deuteronomy 16:13-15).  A weeklong Thanksgiving (sounds good to me!) praising the Lord for the blessing in harvest and the hope God will bless in the future. They took a week after the hard work of harvest was over, and praised God for his goodness, mercy, and provision – He is the covenant keeping God.


The feast of tabernacles was also a bloody week because there where a whole lot of sacrifices – 191 meat offerings, 191 drink offerings and 199 animal sacrifices. So much bloodshed and offering, just in this one week, but it never appeased God’s wrath. Hebrews 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. The sin was never taken away. Day after day, month after month, year after year the priests offered sacrifice  because the blood of bulls and goats was not sufficient to take away sins. But this man [Jesus Christ], after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified (Hebrews 10:12-14). Old testament animal sacrifices picture the true substitutionary atonement and blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin.  We see in the unmarred, spotless animal sacrifice the picture of the pure and sinless life, body and blood of the Lord Christ Jesus. Most strikingly, we see the inability to appease God’s wrath with blood of bulls and goats. Rivers of blood flowed in the Old Testament sacrifices, but God’s wrath was never satisfied. Only in Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross was it said that God was satisfied (Isaiah 53:11). 


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Walk at Home

Since March, many people have the option (required?) to work from home. Online schools, Zoom meetings, live stream events are a way of life for a lot of people now. It's a blessing for some ,but a curse for others. The BBC reported that during the first seven weeks of their lockdown, the police received one domestic abuse call every 30 seconds. For many women and children, the government locked them in a prison and doomed them to far worse suffering than COVID. Sadly, we don't know how many homes are not what they ought to be or even appear to be on the outside. Psalms 101:2  "…I will walk within my house with a perfect heart."

You are who you are at home. If you are a paradigm of piety in public but a scoundrel at home, I can tell you which persona is the real one. David was the same man at home as he was in public. He sang of God's mercy and judgment in public worship as well as private. David's faith had feet. He "walked" in his home, which is talking about his character, his integrity, and the principles that guided his life. His guiding principle for public and private life, was the Word of God. David's goal was to walk with a perfect heart everywhere, but especially at home. Charles Spurgeon called it, "The Psalm of Pious Resolutions." Most agree this was written as prior to David becoming king, and maybe before David was married as he thought about life as the head of his home. When he thought about what it meant to lead, he didn't imagine using and abusing authority, but he purposed to do what was right, even when he was out of the prying and critical public eye. When he came home and sat down to rest, away from his enemies and away from the public pressure of being a man of authority, he wasn't going to give himself over to sin because he "deserved a break." But he loved God in the public square, and loved him at home. David's resolution was to be a holy man, starting and especially at home. Some Christians get so wrapped up in their testimony to the lost and yet never give a moments consideration to their testimony at home. Do you treat your family better or worse than your co-workers?

If you know your Bible, you might be reading with a furrowed brow of disapproval, thinking, "David wasn't much of a family man, look at what he did in his life!" Which is true. David was a sinner and he wasn't the best husband who ever lived, or the best father. But consider all David's problems in his later years came from his failure to walk in his house with a perfect heart. It should be your desire to walk with integrity in public, but just as much in private. Christ must be Lord of your life, and that includes your home.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020


“The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them,” Proverbs 11:3. Integrity means to be whole, complete, or sound. A building, with structural integrity, will stand strong when the storm comes rolling in. Or, when people talk about the “integrity of our elections,” they are talking about the soundness and reliability of the process. If a person has integrity they are morally whole and sound. To have integrity you need convictions and the gumption to stand upright by them. A man of integrity stands upright. But what’s the difference between a man of integrity and a hardheaded individual? Many confuse their cantankerousness for conviction but how can we distinguish the two? To stand with integrity, you need a foundation. If the structure of your conviction is going to have any integrity, it needs a strong base, the truth of God’s Word. It’s hard to remain upright slipping and sliding in the mud, no matter how confident you are about your footing. Having opinions and sticking to them isn’t necessarily a recipe for holiness. Being truly convinced and being wrong is not a good road to travel. Know truth and stick to it.

When your foundational belief is to do whatever benefits them in the moment, your own crooked ways will be your doom. The sin and their deceitfulness used to get what you want, in the end, becomes your own judgment. Like wicked Haman, in the book of Esther, who built the gallows to hang his enemy Mordecai in a treacherous and murderous plot, was in the end, the one who was swinging from them when his plan backfired. Having no core convictions or compromising the truth can be beneficial for a little while, but in the end, you’ll pay a heavy price.

The man of integrity is not going to bend due to public pressure. He won’t be swayed by the popularity of his positions. He won’t change, even if he knows it will cost him. In Paul’s letter to Titus, the second chapter deals with issues he wanted Titus to preach. To the young men in the church, he wanted them to be sound in doctrine and their life. They should believe the truth, speak the truth sincerely and live the truth with integrity (Titus 2:7-8). If you want to be a person of integrity you need to have integrity in your belief. When Moses sent Joshua and Caleb to spy out the promised land before entering, they came back with an honest report. But the people didn’t like what they heard. The tide of public opinion was beginning to turn against them. Because they were men of integrity, they stood on the promises of God and rebuked the people for their lack of faith and exhorted them to take the land. The result? The people wanted to stone them. Men of integrity are rarely popular while they live because the have to stand against the majority. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

I’m Offended

Are you offended? Seems like most people are today. Offend came from the Latin word offenden, which means “to sin against,” and offendere, which means to “attack or to strike.” But, since our culture no longer has any moral common ground, and has forgone the Biblical doctrine of sin, we have no basis for offense, other than our feelings. I think the last thing we all agree is wrong is hurting someone’s feelings. We are more offended by being told we are wrong than sin itself and demand apologies for our words. But we shouldn’t apologize simply because someone is offended when we simply state what we believe. You definitely should apologize if you sin against someone but not for saying something that makes some sensitive soul’s bottom lip quiver. 

After the Lord’s famous teaching in John 6, some disciples who followed said (in John 6:59-65) it was a “hard saying.” This doesn’t mean the Lord’s sermon was difficult to understand. It means they thought Jesus harsh, intolerable, and offensive (compare Matthew 25:24 and James 3:4 where it’s translated “fierce”). The Lord’s message wasn’t a hard saying because it was difficult to understand. It was a hard saying because it was completely understood. These students were offended by the Teacher. There are two main themes in Jesus message, the sovereignty of God in salvation and the exclusivity of salvation by grace, through faith, in Christ alone which is the true teaching and meaning of the Lord’s teaching on “eating his flesh and drinking his blood.” These doctrines are offensive. I believe in God’s sovereign grace in salvation and sometimes that doctrine is labeled as unloving, or cold or callus, but it’s interesting the same charge was levied against the Lord. Jesus never sinned with his words but he certainly offended people. God’s sovereignty in salvation hurt their feelings and their pride, so they said the problem was with the doctrine. 

Are you offended by the sovereignty of God?  Will you be offended if you see Jesus coming again in the clouds? Will you be offended by his sovereignty THEN? Would you be offended at the sight of the glorified and risen Christ? Then why be offended at the sovereignty of God now? It’s the Spirit that quickens. It is the Spirit that gives life. They were offended by God’s sovereignty because they loved their perceived  “autonomy” but the flesh profits nothing. The flesh doesn’t give life, but it is the sovereign Spirit. The words, this truth, the gospel, they are life. And despite this truth, there are some who will not believe because they are dead in their sin. That’s why Jesus said, no man can come to him, except it were given unto him of the Father. Jesus didn’t apologize when he lost the crowd. The truth of the gospel is offensive but that’s not the gospel’s fault. Don’t apologize for believing what the Bible says just because someone is offended by truth. Jesus didn’t. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

The Root Cause

Someone recently told me everything was political. I disagreed because I took a walk that evening and saw the sunset over the hills and enjoyed a crisp September evening and there wasn't a thing political about it. Oh, but that's where I was wrong. Because, as I was informed, if we don't tackle climate change, then there won't be a sunset in the future and the fact that I couldn't see it was proof of my privilege. I was blind and need to be given eyes to see, apparently. Everything this fellow thought about was filtered through a political ideology. It's a sad way to live your life. Imagine ordering your life by a political ideology dreamed up by power hungry individuals. I made a trip once and used my GPS to guide me. When it said I arrived, I was in the middle of a Country Road, neither taking me home, nor to the place where I belonged. Either the GPS was busted or the address I was given was off, or maybe user error. But I trusted a lie and ended up in the middle of nowhere. What happens when we believe a lie about a diagnosis to a problem? I knew someone who had terrible wrist pain. They tried medicine, ointments, wrist braces, but nothing worked. Come to find out, the problem wasn't the wrist, but they had elbow tendonitis. The pain in the wrist started with a problem in the elbow. All the treatments to the wrist were never getting to the root cause and the more they tried the worse things got.

We live in a country where a good portion of children are raised by government schools and taught government morals. Parents are more concerned if their boy can shoot foul shots or field a grounder than their souls. Little girls are dressed up like harlots and told that's empowering. No amount of money or good teachers can counterbalance disregarding Exodus 20:12. Children are raised to be selfish and full of themselves. It's never little Johnny's fault. He got bad grades because his teacher didn't like him (Proverbs 23:9). He didn't make the team because the coach had a grudge against him (Proverbs 16:2). He can't get a job because the employers are against him (Proverbs 10:4). Why, the whole world is against him (Proverbs 12:15). What else can he do, but riot (Proverbs 17:19 ). It's the system – it's the nation that's at fault and rigged against him (Proverbs 14:34). It can't be Johnny's fault, he's not to blame (Proverbs 17:15).

We are applying the wrong medicine to the wrong problem and no presidential election will ever fix this. Parents raise their children in a lie, to believe a lie and then wonder why they end up adrift. Don't talk to me about politics and tell me your answers for the ills of this nation if you don't have your kids in church. You don't know enough about the problem to provide an answer. 
“When the youths of a nation grow up with the idea that it unmanly to honor their parents, or to venerate old age, or to respect authority, I say of this nation that, whatever be the richness of her natural products, or the spread of her commerce, or the wealth of her revenue, or the bravery of her citizens, or the learning of her scholars, or the genius of her statesmen, or the grandeur of her history, her foundation stones are already unsettled and heaving and that it only needs the slightest jar, and all that shall remain to tell of her prosperity and liberty and richness and glory will be the magnificent terribleness of her ruins. Believe me, the surest guarantee which the patriot has that the people of the next generation will be a prosperous, virtuous, law-abiding people, consist in the fidelity with which in this generation parents enforce and children obey the commandment “Honor thy father and thy mother." - GD Boardman

Or, if we were wise, we could look at the problem and work backwards. We have a nation of riotous, unfaithful, slothful, unthankful, and unholy citizens. How did we get here? If our society is rotten to the core, should parents work hard to make sure they fit in to and conform society? 

Maybe it's not just the 5th commandment. Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 40 years of Sunday's glued to TV sets watching men play football instead of worshiping Christ. Maybe, its because we said church was important to our kids, but found every excuse not to go and then are shocked when they don't think it's important either. Maybe we condemned fornication at church and then laughed at it on television, or we condemn those "Hollywood elites" and all their filth and spend so much of our time and money consuming their goods and drinking their poison. 

2 Chronicles 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.**

** I know it's popular to scoff at men who quote 2 Chronicles 7:14. Indeed, this was a promise to Israel and not America, but let me ask you this - what would the United States look like, if God's people humbled themselves, prayed, sought his face, and turned from their wicked ways? What would the consequences of such revival be? The evangelical elites would do well to keep their mouth shut when God's people call for self-examination and repentance. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Known Knowns

Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

In 2002, Donald Rumsfeld, speaking about weapons of mass destruction and Iraq said, “…there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know.” This of course, sounds funny (especially the way he said it) but it is true. I know I don’t know astrophysics (I’m sure you are shocked) — but there are things in the vastness of the universe no one knows are there, so we don’t know exactly what it is we don’t know. There are also things we think we know, but don’t. I read a book published in 17th century on Romans 8. He was illustrating how bad things can work for good and said even the leeches work for our good, by sucking out only the bad blood. He knew his theology, but not medicine. He knew the “settled science” of the day, but didn’t know the consensus was wrong.

There is a lot we don’t know. The Bible says we don’t know what we should pray for as we ought (Romans 8:26). We don’t know all the blessed details of the future glory (1 John 3:2). We don’t even know what is going to happen tomorrow (James 4:14). We don’t know the hearts of other people, though God knows the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). 

But we do know this —  “All things work together for good, to them that love called, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” We don’t “feel this”. We don’t “assume” this. We know this truth. We know from God’s Word.  The Word of God doesn’t go through revisions to change doctrine with the times. Truth is eternal and unchanging, so when we know God’s promises, we really and truly know, and can know we know (1 John 2:3). We know from God’s character all things work together for good. We know that our holy, wise, sovereign, loving, merciful Father has called His people, according to His purpose, that “none should be lost” and be presented before Him holy and without blame in love, so that in the ages to come, he would demonstrate his kindness through eternity toward us, in Christ (Ephesians 1:4; 2:7).  And I know that if my Father, who has adopted me, and made me, not only a child, but an heir and if an heir,  joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, has promised me eternal life and a glorified body in the resurrection, and has so perfectly ordained eternal redemption for me, I can trust him and know that all things that are happening now for good to them that love God.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Everything's Against Me?

Jacob lived a hard life and most of his difficulties were the consequences of his own bad decisions. He cheated his brother out of his inheritance, twice, and then ran from home to avoid getting murdered. His father-in-law took advantage of him for over two decades. He had 13 kids by four women and married two of them at the same time. If he wasn’t gray-headed by that point, the way his boys turned out likely finished the job. When Joseph, Jacob’s favorite boy, told the family about his dream, how one day they’d all bow down to him, the brothers made an odd choice — murder? Reuben, the voice of moral reason, made the case against murder. Judah also came down against fratricide, they’d just sell him into slavery. After turning  a quick profit, they made up a story about how wild beasts slaughtered Joseph. It broke Jacob’s heart. Joseph was gone.

Joseph lived a hard life and most of his difficulties were because of persecution. He was sold twice. Became the head servant of a powerful man in Egypt, then falsely accused of an impropriety by his wife. Because they believed all women in Egypt, Joseph went to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. In jail, he met up with a couple of other men who fell on hard times. Joseph interpreted their dreams  and in return, he asked the incarcerated butler for help getting out jail when he was released. But he forgot, until Pharaoh had a dream and needed interpretation. Pharaoh like Joseph’s skills and became Pharaoh’s right hand man and shepherded Egypt through 7 years of feast, to prepare them for 7 years of famine, predicted in Pharaoh’s dream.

In the famine, Jacob and the boys got hungry and they heard there was corn in Egypt, so he sent the boys to get some groceries. Little did they know it was Joseph they had to buy from. Joseph, orchestrated a few scenarios in which he sent the brothers back home, first without Simeon and then wanted to keep Benjamin. When the brothers told Jacob what happened, he said in Genesis 42:36, “Me have ye bereaved of my children: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away: all these things are against me.” It only seemed that way.  Because he was loved of God, all things were not against him, but all things were for him (Romans 8:28). All these troubles worked together for his good, though he couldn’t see and didn’t see it for a long time. But Joseph saw it. When the brothers feared retribution, Joseph said “Ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” There is no pointless suffering for the people of God.  Look at life, through eyes of faith, like Joseph. If you are in Christ, nothing is ever really “against you” but all things are for you.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Works for me

I’m sitting in the parking lot of the hospital. I can’t go in with my wife because of restrictions. The parking lot is full of other people, also sitting. Also waiting. Also not able to go in. There is an “Expecting Mothers” section and the spaces are all filled. The sign has a very pregnant woman with a heart in the womb. There is a lot going on this morning at the hospital. Surgical procedures, dying patients, newborn patients. There are big tents set up for coronavirus testing. And those of us who sit in the parking lot and wait. A dragonfly keeps buzzing past my car. I haven’t seen a single bird all morning, which is odd. It looks like it’s going to rain and it’s getting hot. My brother lives in Texas, right on the gulf. He and his family evacuated and are safe and sound. My dad texted me and told me his dog died. It was really my Mom’s dog, but Rupp out lived her by a couple years.

Everything I see around me has a story. Every parking lot-waiter has a loved one inside and every parked car has a story. Some have “minor” surgery, defined as any surgery I’m not having, while others are clinging to life. Still others wait for that precious baby to be born. Every person that’s walking by here is here for a different reason, and to them, it’s the most important. All of our stories have intertwined this morning and we are all here today for one reason or another, but all for God’s reason. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose,” Romans 8:28. Even that dragonfly, that can’t seem to decide what it wants, came into this world at God’s time and has avoided getting zapped, squished, eaten, or sprayed so he could annoy me in my car for the glory of the Lord in His might work of providence. God works all things together. Every event in the world, big or small. Every sickness and every birth. Every storm cloud, every drop of rain. It all works together, in one glorious tapestry of Sovereignty. Why do bad things happen? That’s not a question I can answer. But I don’t assume there is only one reason why anything happens. Maybe my wife is in surgery and I write about it, so you can read about it and be comforted, if you know Christ, that everything is working out, together, according to God’s plan, for my good. There is no such thing as suffering without a purpose for God’s people. This verse is not a lesson in stoicism. It’s a comfort to the children of God, who love and are loved, enduring trials as part of His master plan, for our ultimate joy in Him. Life usually doesn’t work out like I want it, but it works together for good. 

* We're home now. Surgery was a success. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Zombie Apocalypse

The CDC, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, has a "Zombie Preparedness" teaching program to get people thinking about disaster preparations using a zombie apocalypse as the framework for the curriculum.  My understanding is it started as a joke, but became so popular, they capitalized on the interest. For several years, people watched zombie movies and television shows and the next day at work, I heard them talking about what they would do in the "zombie apocalypse" and how their unique set of skills as a hunter or fishermen would prepare them for anything. Then, when we had a toilet paper shortage, some of the same people lost their minds. As Mike Tyson said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

What is a Zombie Apocalypse anyway? According to the word zombie comes from "West African origin, originally the name of a snake god." Later, in Haitian and New Orleans cultist voodoo practices, it came to mean a reanimated corpse. But you already knew what a zombie is supposed to be. But what about apocalypse?  That's a transliteration  of a Greek word which means revelation, a disclosure of truth, a laying bare of something previously hidden. Which is also the last book of the Bible, Revelation 1:1, "The Revelation (apokalupsis) of Jesus Christ…" Biblically, the apocalypse is the disclosure of the truth of future events culminating in the New Heaven and New Earth and future glory of Christ Jesus and His people. The apocalypse is only scary if you don't know Jesus. Much of Revelation is glorious in its revelation of God's power, holiness, justice, and mercy.  It's the other parts, of God's judgment of sinners and the world religious system that captures the attention of many.

God has prepared his people for the "last days".  God has prepared his churches for the last of the last days, leading up to the times of judgment. The Bible gives many words of warnings to the churches for the last days, but they are not warnings against zombies, political powers, or pandemics. God tells his churches to beware wicked men and false doctrine. The last days are full of perilous times, a decline in truth, morality, and a further descent into depravity (2 Timothy 3:1). It will be a time of false teaching and  denials of Christ (1 John 2:18; 4:3, 2 Timothy 4:1-2). The last days are also characterized by people who deny the return of Christ (2 Peter 3:3-4) despite the clear and truthful prophetic revelation of the nature of the times. Immature Christians and false professors prepare themselves for the wrong trials. They build bunkers, store food and water, and read all about the Illuminati, but don't read their Bible or attend church. They study this political leaders and insidious groups taking counsel together, straight out of the second Psalm. But they neglect the Lord's instruction for his people in the last days. They prepare for a zombie apocalypse because they never read the Apocalypse.


Friday, August 14, 2020

In These Uncertain Times...

 “In these uncertain times…”  Did something happen to change “certain times” to “uncertain”? No, I haven’t been asleep for the last 6 months, but what is the difference between this year and last year? All that has changed is last year, we were certain about the times. The times are not uncertain today but what most put their faith in is uncertain. We are not in uncertain times, we trust in uncertain things. 

1 Timothy 6:17  Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-mined, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy. The affluent are tempted by pride in their possessions. They live in “certain times” because their life is relatively stable. Houses are certain. Jobs are certain. March Madness. College Football. Vacations at the beach, family traditions. The “certainty” of the American way of life. God has shown you they are not certain at all. 

Advertisements about these “uncertain times” are selling you something other than toilet paper. News outlets are preaching to you when they talk about uncertain times. They want to be the “rock” to keep you on point. Trust in your car insurance company, a big box store, the government, or favorite news channel and they’ll see you through these uncertain times, because when it gets bad, they are the anchor. Thanks, but I’ll pass. We put faith in uncertain things and when they fail, we get troubled. We put our hopes in uncertain people and are disheartened when they can’t deliver. We put our faith in uncertain ways of life, then are distraught when they change. Rather than trust in the uncertain ways of life, we must put our faith in the LIVING God.  Malachi 3:6 says, “For I am the LORD, I change not.” The times change. Situations change. But the Living God never changes and the times are sure (Isaiah 46:9-11). By believing our way of life was certain exposes the idolatry of our hearts. It’s the living God, not the dead idol, that is certain and unchanging. It’s the living God who gives us all things to enjoy who never waivers and is faithful to trust, but we have things backwards. We trust in the good things God gives for us to enjoy and ignore the God who gives them. 

 When you build your life upon uncertain things, you are building your house on sand. In 2020, for a lot of people, the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house and great was the fall (Matthew 7:27). But here is a certainty — Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Turn your heart from your idols and trust in Christ Jesus, who is the Lord of time, and is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Are the times uncertain because of a virus? Job 14:5, "Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee, thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass." Our days are numbered by the Living God. That's a certainty. It's also a certainty that our time here is short (Psalm 89:47). The government wants you to be afraid. The news media wants you to be afraid. Then they want you to look to them for guidance and help because of the "uncertain times". 

The Bible says, because our times are short, the days are evil, and our Holy Father judges our hearts and works, we should pass our sojourn here in fear. Not the fear of viruses or riots, but the fear of God (1 Peter 1:17-25). The world wants to live forever and fears death. The Bible will tell you the truth. You are going to die, therefore fear the Lord, because He alone can give everlasting life. He gives life through Christ, when in the fullness and certainty of the ordained time, the Lamb of God entered into this world. There there is hope because in the certainty of the times, he "was manifested in these last times for you, who by Him do believe in God." The times are certain. Your times are certain. 

We live in stupid times. We live in dishonest times. We live in perilous times (Jeremiah 4:4; 2 Timothy 3:1). But we do not live in uncertain times. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Foundation Seal

I take comfort in the fact God does not and will not change. In Paul’s day, there were a couple of men, Hymenaeus and Philetus, who taught a false doctrine saying the resurrection had already passed. Decades from Christ’s ascension, false teachers were creeping into the churches. Wolves in sheep’s clothing defiling and harming the churches. The house of God under attack from without and from within. 2 Timothy 2:19, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”

Let’s walk over to the institution of God’s church and a closer look. After almost 2,000 years since her founding, the house of God remains and is sealed with and inscription. The seal in ancient times was used to authenticate messages, ensure and guarantee the ownership of  what was sealed. The church belongs, not to men, but the Lord Jesus. The foundation is laid, and the Chief Corner stone is set. The gates of Hell have not prevailed against her. While times change, people change, countries change, governments change, Christ never changes and the institution of His church, is sure. The foundation of God standeth sure. As the tides of time beat upon the house, the foundation standeth sure. The storms of persecution blow, but the foundation stands sure. The storms of heresy blow against the house, the foundation stands sure.  Time has not destroyed the Lord’s church. Heresy has not toppled her. Persecution only spread the gospel truth and message. As we walk closer to examine the foundation and you’ll notice an inscription engraved on the cornerstone. It’s sealed on two sides with a message. The first says,  “The Lord Knoweth them that are His.” The Lord hasn’t forgotten his people. The Lord also is not confused by who is and who is not his children. Though men apostatize and Christians fall away or are carried away, the truth remains, the Lord knows his own. The Almighty is not deceived by the wolves and will protect his sheep. 

If we walk to the other side of the stone, there’s another inscription. “Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” Those who name the name of Christ do not live in iniquity, but depart from it. Those who are in Christ walk in the Spirit and if you have not the Spirit of Christ, you don’t have Christ. Do you doubt we live in perilous times? Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and tell me that doesn’t describe our times. In fact, the passage could be the description of any number of “news” segments you might have the misfortune of watching. But the people of God depart from iniquity. No matter what the culture says or what is permitted, encouraged, or even commanded — God’s people depart from iniquity. The impish plans and works of the wicked will not frustrate the Lord’s work. 

Friday, July 31, 2020

Ignatius of Loyola

Today is the Catholic feast day of Ignatius of Loyola. He's the founder of the Jesuits. Looking through some articles about the feast, I saw this picture from St. Nicholas Church. That's Ingatius, the founder of the Jesuits with his foot on Martin Luther. Not what you would expect in Saint Nick's place? In my attempt to verify, I found it hard to find any information on this piece. If you go to the the Wikipedia page and look on the interior picture, to the left of the altar, you can see it. 

2 Timothy 2:24-26  And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

Or, stab them in the neck with a pitch fork. Either way. 

This is why I like statutes. I like to know where everyone stands. As a Baptist, I like to know who Saint Nichols was and what his followers think about justification by faith. I also like to know how they honor the founder of the Jesuits

Speaking of wolves, here's the family crest of Loyola. It's supposed to represent generosity. The family was so generous in feeding soldiers, after the men ate, there was enough for the wolves, OK, I guess? I'm no heraldist, but if I was going to depict generosity and love, I don't think I would use ravenous wolves around a pot as the symbol. It's now part of the symbol for many Jesuit schools and institutions. Which, it's a little too on the nose, don't you think? 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

No Profit

2 Timothy 2:14  Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.

In the context of this letter, Paul is in prison, at the end of his life, writing to his friend and colleague Timothy, who was the pastor at the church in Ephesus to him to encourage him to continue following and serving the Lord Christ in perilous times. He told Timothy some hard truths, which were difficult to hear. But it wasn’t drive-by spite or courage at a distance. He loved the elect of God (2 Timothy 2:10) and loved them too much to lie or flatter. He was going to speak profitable words, and to borrow a phrase from Baxter, he wrote as a dying man writing to dying men.

He urges Timothy  not to be ashamed, not to be afraid, but, with boldness serve the Lord Jesus despite what the world may do to him. As a pastor, he had to take care of himself (2 Timothy 2:6) because he was charged to take care of others (2 Timothy 2:2) so he had to “endure hardness” like a good solider and carry on for the glory of the King. In verses 11-13 Paul reminds us that being united to Christ, we died with him. We died to the condemnation of the law. We died to sin, but we also, by faith, rose to live in Christ. And while we live in this world, we will suffer, but he has promised, we will reign with him when he returns in his kingdom. A few days of suffering in this life, to reign with Christ, after the resurrection is certainly worth it. But, if we deny him, he will deny us. 

Right after such a warning, Paul says to remind the church, and to charge them before the Lord of something very important. As a preacher, he wasn’t to suggest these truths and offer some friendly advice. Nor was he to find some uplifting words to make the church feel good and comfortable as if the preacher is supposed to be a motivational speaker to give you a boost to help you get through the week. Timothy had to preach divine truth. Sometimes, truth encourages the believer. Often times that charges, commands, or corrects the believer. I saw a TV preacher the other day telling how he came about his current sermon series. He was talking to his son and his girlfriend and gave them some marital advice. The problem was this was his advice. He didn’t provide any Scripture, or expound any text, but some things that came to mind in their conversation. Timothy had to charge the people before the Lord. The Lord who is coming again. The King they will stand before and give an account of how they lived since he saved them. I know we forget this truth. We can get wrapped up in the news or the goings on in our life that we forget the Lord is coming back. I think we also forget the Lord knows what we are doing and why we do it. If we are in God’s will, that’s a blessing. If not, well, that’s the point of this verse remember how you live — the Lord is coming.

The church is not to strive about words to no profit. Meaningless, useless, war of words, about words. Words are important. Douglas Wilson says the battle of our time is the battle over the dictionary. Some in our culture are trying to redefine reality by changing the meaning of words. Words have meanings and it's the art of the deceiver to subtly change the meaning of words to make things unclear. Defining our terms brings clarity to the discussion. But defining terms isn't fighting about words. Changing definitions is fighting about words. But if you tell me that marriage is union of some period of time between an indistinct number of life entities, then we are going to have a problem. That definitely is something. But it's not marriage. 

False preachers do the same. They redefine theological terms such as justification, elect, or even resurrection. Mormon's believe in Jesus if you ask them. Catholics believe you are saved by grace, if you ask them. But the Mormon's Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible and the grace of Catholicism is accompanied by works. It's grace, just not grace by itself. So if a person in the church is redefining grace or teaching we are justified by grace but not grace alone, then it's time to define some words which will probably start a fight, but a fight with a purpose and with profit. 

Words are important and that’s not what Paul addresses. He is addressing the far too often experienced fight about shades of meaning that have no answer. Fights with no profit. There is no end in the struggle other than to defeat your opponent and win. Win what? The argument? Congratulations. The end of the argument isn’t when someone wins, because once the shooting of words is over and the smoke clears, you see you’ve destroyed the hearers. 

One thing, most people don’t consider the collateral damage in such wars. You might be fighting with just one other person, but it never stays with just one person. Yes, you showed the preacher! You really proved yourself right. And you did it in front of his kids who get bitter about the church that hurts their dad so often. Yes, you really won that argument about whether Adam had a belly button in the garden and put Brother Jones in his place. But you also made half the church dread coming because they know they are going to have to be in the middle of a war. 

Paul was no snowflake. Take 15 minutes this week and read 2 Timothy and notice how many specific people Paul calls out. He wasn’t afraid of a fight or an argument — when they had a purpose, when they brought glory to God or protected God’s sheep. Paul called out Peter to his face, and said he didn’t put up with a false gospel, even for an hour. Why? The the “truth of the gospel might remain” with the churches (Galatians 2:5). Doctrinal precision, defining our terms is a crucial, profitable exercise. A shepherd can’t expect wolves to play nice with the sheep. Sheep are not aggressive animals. Usually. A ram can get a little feisty and so do ewes with lambs. God’s people are not aggressive. Usually. Brothers and sisters can get a little feisty. The Bible says to stop.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Little Lies

Little Lies

Gaslight, a movie starring Ingrid Bergman and Joseph Cotten, is the story of a husband who tries to make his wife think she’s crazy. He dims the lights, makes noises, talks to himself and when his wife mentions it, he pretends like never happened and it’s all in her head. She knows she is seeing and hearing things — but her husband makes her question reality to drive her crazy. Gaslighting entered our lexicon to describe anytime someone purposely manipulates others to make them question their sanity by lying about a situation that is obviously happening. There was an old joke told in the U.S.S.R. that the future is known, it’s the past that’s always changing. The dissidents in Communist Russia knew they were being lied to but were powerless to do anything about it. How could you? In West Virginia, committing perjury will get you at least  one year, and up to ten in the pen. Swearing falsely in court can cost you $1,000 and get you a cot and three square meals for a year. 

Before I came to West Virginia, I had a book about lying and someone I knew asked if they could borrow it. They took the book and then I never saw them or the book again. I wish I had loaned a book about stealing. It was an fascinating book to pilfer. It was about a POW in the Civil War who was part of a conspiracy to escape. The plan hinged on deceiving the guards, however, one of the men refused. He said it was a lie and he wasn’t going to sin against God, even to escape. That set off a spirited debate (could you imagine being the one who came up with the plan!) in which the pro-escape party said there are justifiable times to lie, while the author held a lie was never justifiable. What do you think? The author finally did get out and decided he wouldn’t rest until he came to understand whether a lie was justifiable. He decided it’s worse to suffer than to sin.

Lying is something we all know is bad. Lying is universally understood to be wrong, especially when someone lies to you. A politician, whose bread and butter is spinning the truth and telling lies, will get furious when someone tells a lie on him. But, it’s the same with you. We think it’s OK to fudge the truth a little here and there to save us some pain or embarrassment. But woe until the unfortunate soul who lies against us. Lying hurts because too often, there is often no recourse once the lie has done it’s work. Lies can ruin lives, marriages, friendships, countries, and whole societies. It hurts, really hurts to be lied to. Often, the liar, just gets away with it —  no, strike that. The liar never gets away with it. “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape,” Proverbs 19:5. The Lord will judge the wicked, and all liars will spend eternity in the second death (Revelation 21:8). Maybe there is no such thing as a little lie?

Friday, July 3, 2020


I’m writing this mere days from the Fourth of July. That grand day we celebrate our liberty in these United States. Or, the day we used to celebrate our liberty. Maybe I’ll watch virtual fireworks online which seems fitting to celebrate my virtual liberty. In 1828 Daniel Webster, in the dictionary that bears his name, defined liberty in a rather robust way. The entire definition wouldn’t fit in this column, but we can boil it down to it’s Latin roots, which  means free. Liberty is freedom from restraint, whether physical, or mental. It’s being free from the control of others. In Title 27 CFR 555.11, the Federal Government defines fireworks. There are different categories and depending who you are, what you are doing with them, and whether you have obtained a license from the ATF, will determine if you have the freedom to celebrate your liberty. 

Liberty is a gift. It’s something everyone wants for themselves and most people want to take away. To live with liberty means you can’t make everyone look, think, act, or believe like you do. I love liberty. But liberty comes at a cost. There is a price paid to get it, there is a price to have it, and a price to keep it. Our forefathers paid a price to give us this country and the freedoms we have. They are not my gods or saviours. They were not perfect, but I don’t need them to be perfect. I’m not either. We are learning now there is a price to keep it. There is also a price to have liberty. Liberty is dangerous. 
I was at the park recently to watch my boys play an outdoor, socially distance recital. It was nice to hear the kids playing music. Someone, in order to protect the kids (what about the children!) took away the seats to all the swings at the park. Our government hard at work to protect us. It was a sad sight, all those chains hanging from the swingset. But soon after, there were some little rebels who made their way from the concert to the playground and went straight for the chains grabbed hold and started having a blast. Was it safe? Nope. Could they have gotten the virus, or broke their arm, or skinned their knees or struck by lightening? All possibilities. But liberty is dangerous. Maybe these kids will have the courage to fight for their liberty, if we have any left to pass down to them. 

The Lord Jesus, the King of Kings, came to set the captives free (Isaiah 61:1). The Lord pronounced the blessed Jubilee of the soul and set those bound by sin free to walk in the light and liberty of the New Covenant. King Jesus gives liberty. Men try to squash it or take it away. But I’m Christ’s freeman, free from the condemnation of the law and free to live in Him. Free to serve him and free to love God and neighbor. Christ's liberty doesn't make a man selfish but in the Spirit we don't use freedom as a cover for sinfulness but to live for God's glory. Some people use their liberty to be jerks. So is the answer to stifle speech? I would much rather know what people really believe by hearing what they have to say than try to be the conscience police. 

The liberty of conscience we have in this country is a Baptist Heritage. That's dangerous. I believe you have the right to believe how you want. I will also take that same privilege for myself. I'll stand before the Lord Jesus Christ one day to give an account to him for my life and my words so I had better judge myself how I use my liberty. Is that safe? Ask Paul how safe being free is and how much it cost him. They took they liberty of his body but not his soul. Once you beat a man on the inside, he's beaten all together, no matter how strong and tough he is. The Romans, the Jews, the religious preachers beat Paul's body and hurt him all they could from the outside, but they didn't' whip his Spirit. To be free is dangerous because you'll loose friends. You'll loose opportunities. You can't be faithful, free, and popular with everyone. But being popular with everyone has a price all its own. 

Jesus set me free. The Lord Jesus lived to do the will of the Father and didn't care what men thought of him. My King gave me eternal life why should I bow the knee to the ungodly dictates of a pagan world? Why should I now have my conscience molded by ungodly infidels as to what is right or wrong? 

Let freedom ring. 

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Interesting Times

Secondary Issues
There are issues in the Scripture that have more weight than others. It's really impossible to deny (Matthew 23:23). It's also not debatable that you are not supposed to fight over matters of conscience (Romans 14:1). 

Then why are there so many fights? I believe it is because no one thinks they are the weaker brother and everyone appeals to Romans 14:14. I don't think I'm the weaker brother now. I didn't think I was the weaker brother 15 years ago on some matters, but looking back I know that I was. In most fights, I think we could define a secondary issue as, "any matter which I do not find important." 

For example, SBC President, J.D. Greear masterfully plays the secondary issues card. He recently said, "The flip side is the rancor and divisiveness of that 10%. They are focused on secondary issues, that you just have to wonder what that means about their priority and their love of the priority issue, the gospel."

Step one, you have to know someone else's heart. So if you disagree with Greear, you are unloving and don't focus on the gospel. Of course, what this implies is J.D. is on the right path with the right spirit.

Step two, is very subtle. There would be unity, if that pesky 10% would just get in line. Why do they have to be so hard headed. He singled them out as a minority, inconsequential group of people who don't fall in line, they are destroying the SBC and the unity that comes if you are truly following the gospel, like JD. 

But, he made a blunder. It was almost perfect play. In order to take the high ground, you can't appeal to specifics. You have to be very vague in the the standard of unity. But once he appealed to the basis for unity, the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, he stepped in it. So if that's the basis of their unity, and that's what they've agreed are important issues, then he has to live by them, right? Or are they Secondary Issues?

Woke Word of the Week.
I used to like The Gospel Coalition. That was before they became, as Phil Johnson said, more Coalition than Gospel. They have a podcast publishes a sermon of the week. Recently, it was one on Racism. 

You can search it out if you want to listen to it, but I'm not going to link to it. But there were a couple things I found interesting. One, he called out Billy Graham for holding segregated revivals. I didn't know that, so I looked it up and sure enough he did. But, what you didn't hear in this "sermons" was that he also stopped.
In the 1950s, the majority of southern white evangelicals worried that civil rights activism was a communist fifth column designed to win the Cold War by destroying racial harmony in the segregated South. Many white evangelists, like Billy Graham, accommodated that paranoia by holding segregated revival meetings in the South. However, Graham's racial views started to shift as he spent time overseas. He realized that segregation horrified global Christians, gave the Soviet's a gift-wrapped opportunity for propaganda, and was not supported in the Bible.

Graham's first integrated crusade was in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1953. After the ropes cordoning off the black section of the auditorium were removed, Graham told the ushers who threatened to put them back up, "Either these ropes stay down or you can go on and have the revival without me." From then on, Graham permanently adopted the policy of holding only integrated revivals.
He went after men running for SBC president for encouraging people to vote for "conservative, racist, republicans". Then, called out black preachers for not preaching what he thinks they ought to preach (ie, George Floyd, racism, etc). So much for their stand on exposition

Speaking of exposition, Kevin D. Williamson wrote a good piece in National Review about the nonsensical LBTQ Supreme Court decision. 
This is not jurisprudence. This is magical thinking. The law says whatever the wizards in the black robes say it says, and they are not very particular about distinguishing between what it says and what they think it should say. If a few lawyers can pretend to be persuaded by an argument, and everybody who wants the outcome it would produce also can pretend to be persuaded by it, then who are you to hold out? Did you go to law school?

And so we must rely on the ladies and gentlemen in Washington to interpret the scriptures for us. Can we trust them to be honest brokers and evenhanded? Consider that the day before yesterday, gathering for a church service was a crime against humanity and getting a haircut in Georgia was to offer human sacrifice to Mammon. And then — poof! — gathering in gigantic crowds of non-socially distanced, sweaty protesters chanting and looting and rioting and burning was an absolute necessity for the survival of democracy and the cause of genuine justice. Consider that the right to keep and bear arms, which is actually found in the Constitution, is severely limited (unless you are leading a left-wing militia uprising in Seattle!), but the right to an abortion, which is found nowhere in the Constitution, is considered virtually absolute. “You can’t see the emperor’s new clothes? Well, we know what you are, then!”
You can read the rest HERE. It's really rather strange that we give these non-elected individuals the power to change our country however they see fit. It's not a legal question but an epistemology issue. Mr. Williamson, a Roman Catholic, I suppose, misses the irony that he opposes men and women in robes interpreting the law for them, does allow for men in robes to interpret the Scripture for him. It's also somewhat ironic, that many Christians who opposed exposition of the Scriptures from the pulpit are pretty angry over the fact that the Supreme Court made a decision by leaving the original intention of the law and finding new meaning and application. 

From the OED

Simony, n. The buying or selling of ecclesiastical or spiritual benefits; esp. the sale or purchase of preferment or office in the church. Also sometimes more generally: trading in sacred things.

Etymology: < (i) Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French symonie, simonie (late 12th cent.; French simonie ), and its etymon (ii) post-classical Latin simonia the buying or selling of ecclesiastical or spiritual benefits (11th cent.; frequently from 12th cent. in British sources) < the name of Simon Magus , who offered money to the Apostles in return for receiving spiritual gifts (Acts 8:18–19)