Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Write?

Thomas Brooks in The Mute Christian, begins his work with a few reasons why he wrote tracts and books.

What is written is permanent; litera scripta manet, and spreads itself further by far, for time, place and persons, than the voice can reach. The pen is an artificial tongue; it speaks as well to the absent to present friends; it speaks to them afar off as well as those that are near; it speaks to many thousands at once; it speaks not only to the present age but also to succeeding ages. The pen is a kind of image of eternity; it will make a man live when he is dead. Am man’s writings may preach when he cannot, when he may not, and when, by reason of bodily disptempers, he dares not; yea, and that which is more, when he is not.

A very good thought, indeed. What is read, can be read again, so in that way, the writer's words are like a tool, can be used over and over again. Countless books, articles and blog posts have had a profound impact on my life, and I am thankful to God for the authors. If you can write, and you have something to say, then write and pray the Lord uses it in some way.

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