Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Best Form of Government

Here is an excerpt from The Golden Age: A treatise on the One Thousand Year Reign of Christ on Earth by A.W Pink and Luther C. Peak. From the Tea Party to Occupy Wall Street, everyone knows that there is a problem with government and everyone has a way to "fix" it - but the only way to fix it is to take care of the root of the problem that ruins all systems of government, and that is sin. When Christ comes to rule, his reign will bring peace and joy.
The form of Christ's [millennial] government with be theocratic, not democratic. (Zec 14:9)  And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. Many have been the experiments of politicians and reformers for the establishing of a government that should be equitable, stable and pure; but all have been in vain. Ever since the Flood, 4,500 years ago, God has allowed man every opportunity to develop hi schemes, but ancient and modern, Oriental and Occidental, monarchies and republics all have served only to demonstrate that man is a colossal failure. The record of human government is tyranny and oppression, greed and discontentment, war and bloodshed. How all this serves to show the crying need for One who has all power and yet all compassion, One who is God and yet Man. Under the rule of Christ shall be solved every problem of capital and labor, wealth and poverty, war and peace.

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