Monday, February 23, 2015

My Thoughts Address your Throne

Monday morning brings its own unique challenges. Sometimes just getting started in the work week can be a tad discouraging. What a difference starting the day at the throne of grace makes. I've been thinking a lot about thinking lately and how easily the mind can be taken hither and yon, so to speak, worried about a great many things. But God will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him: because he trusts in God. When the mind takes hold on God and we meditate on Him and HIs persona and works, then He will give us peace. Hopefully your thoughts will address the throne, before they address the deary work week. Perhaps Issac Watts will help....

My thoughts address your throne
when morning brings the light;
I seek your blessing every noon,
and pay my vows at night,

for I, with all life's cares,
will lean upon you, Lord;
I'll cast my burdens on your arm,
and rest upon your word.

Your arm shall well sustain
all peoples with your love;
the base, on which our safety stands,
will never be removed.

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