Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Autobiography of George Muller

God hears and answers prayer and in his autobiography, Muller tells how the Lord saved him, brought him to the truth and into the ministry and showed him that God answers prayer, even today. The purpose of this book was to give glory to God and show that God answers prayer. I was blessed and encouraged by hearing the many stories and instances of how God provided him all the money to build and maintain the orphanages simply through prayer, without asking for a penny.

There are a couple interludes that are wonderful. I got a lot out of the section on why he preached expositional messages and how he learned that Bible reading before prayer was the key to preparing his heart. Feed the soul before prayer helped him to do both.

I read the unabridged version, so there are a lot of figures in monetary denominations that I'm not familiar with from another era. So and so gave this amount. Received that amount on this date, etc.; it was sort of like having to sit through someone else's business meeting. An abridged version might be a little easier to get through for American audiences.

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