Monday, October 17, 2016

Fall and Faithfulness

It's starting to cool down and feel more like fall. The leaves are starting to change colors and the days are getting shorter. Apples are being harvested and the grass has about called it quits for the year. This is a favorite time of year for a lot of people and we look forward to the vibrant colors and the cool nights. Toward the end of summer, when we get tired of the hot, humid oppression of the midday sun, we welcome and anticipate the annual cool down. You can do this because of God's faithfulness. Genesis 8:22 "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." After the worldwide flood, God promised that as long as there is an earth, there will be seasons. Because God is faithful, there will be cold winters and hot summers. God is faithful, so you'll hear the birds chirping while you plant your garden in the spring and see the leaves change colors when they days get shorter. Because God is faithful, kids will be looking any chance to go swimming in the summer and throw snowballs in the winter. The fact that you expect this to happen is a reliance on God's faithfulness. God has promised, and He always does it. He is so faithful, that we grumble about the weather if there is a slight variation to the norm.
Golden Autumn. Isaac Levitan.

Every year, you count on God's faithfulness when you anticipate the coming seasons and perhaps, never gave it a second thought. As you read this, you are sitting on a rock that is roughly 7,926 mile  in diameter, from space looks like a perfect circle. Up in the sky there is a sun (also looking like a perfect circle) that's close enough to keep us warm and give us light, but not too far away that we would freeze. Right now, we are being held to the rock by just the right amount of gravity that keeps us from floating up in the air. Did you go to sleep last night wondering if gravity would work when you woke up? I doubt it, because God is faithful.  It's a good thing too, because we are moving along at around 65,000 mph, give or take, and we don't even notice it. This rotating rock floats along with a moon (another perfect circle) orbiting this star, hovering about in the vastness of space, does so with such regularity, that we calculate the days and years by it.  I was recently given a calendar for 2017-18 and it tells me that January 1, 2018, there will be a full moon. I can know this because God is faithful. People often ask for a sign to prove the faithfulness of Christ Jesus. How far has this earth traveled since you started reading? How many times has your heart beat since the first paragraph? God shows his goodness and faithfulness all day long.

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