Sunday, June 28, 2009


I live in a seminary town, a Southern Baptist seminary, and where there are seminary students, there are books, and where you have graduating seminary students, you have former students selling books. There is a gold mine of a store in Raleigh that buys up good, really good books, and I have found quite a few treasures contained within its musty walls. Walls upon walls, millions of books, many of which are out of print, yet shouldn't be. There are tomes of uselessness, and heresy, and in fact, I would be happy if they remain hidden on the shelves forever. But, especially in the Baptist history section, there are countless numbers of old Baptist books. One of the books I found is a book on Church order by J M Pendleton.

I found the marriage ceremony that he wrote, and post it for your perusal.

Marriage is an institution of divine appointment, given in wisdom and kindness, to increase human happiness and to support social order. In the Bible, which should be the lamp to your path in every relation, you will find the directions needed in this.

In token of your decided choice of each other as partners for life, you __________ __________ and __________ __________ will please to unite your right hands.

(Joining of hands.)

Do you solemnly promise, before Almighty God and these witnesses, to receive each other as husband and wife, agreeing to perform the duties growing out of the relation, pledging yourselves to love each other, and to make every reasonable exertion to promote each other's happiness until the union into which you are now entering is dissolved by death?

(When a ring is employed the following can be used. In confirmation of these vows, you will please give and receive this ring, as an emblem and pledge of the pure and enduring love you have promised to cherish for each others.)

In view of the promises thus made, I do now, by virtue of the authority vested in me, as a minister of the gospel, pronounce you husband and wife, henceforth in interest and destiny, as in affection, ONE. And what God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

J M Pendleton

Friday, June 26, 2009

Limited Atonement

Atonement so sweet that was made for me
Reconciled, Oh blessed Lord to thee
Once and for all, God commended His love
For all my sins, Redeemed by His blood

The limited atonement, not limited in love
greater love, no man has known
The conqueror came as the Lamb of God
And redeemed each one, each one of His own

The Thrice Holy God who despises sin;
The Righteous God that punishes sin
The just wrath of God, must be satisfied
The merciful God, willing to die

Christ Blood was shed, I'm redeemed with great cost
Not in vain, nor victory lost
Predestined, called, now just and glorified
My Christ, no more, must suffer and die

Oh Victory, victory thus do we cry
No sheep, shall suffer and die
To the praise of the glory of His grace
To our charge, no sin, no sin shall be laid

Not limited in power, dare you profane?
Not limited in Love, Oh Praise His name!
Not limited in Grace, that saves to the end
Not an unfamiliar love, but love for His friends.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

They Had Been With Jesus

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

After the persecution of the first church, Peter boldly declared the gospel to his persecutors. Their godly boldness and unapologetic declaration that salvation is in Christ alone, facing, perhaps, their own demise had an effect on the enemies of the cross. They knew that Peter and John had been with Jesus.

Some think that the recognized them traveling with Jesus, which it could have been, but I don't think these proud self righteous men would have paid much attention to the disciples, especially after calling them unlearned and ignorant men. I am of the opinion that their characteristics made it evident they had been with Jesus.

What are some of the marks of Peter and John's actions that made it evident that they had been with Jesus? What was is that they were doing that reminded the enemies of Christ, of Christ?

1. Evidence, the effectual power of their preaching.
2. Conviction.
3. Boldness.
4. Doctrinal truth, though they were 'ignorant and unlearned' their doctrine was flawless. They knew they had been with Jesus by the soundness of their doctrine.
5. They were filled with the Holy Spirit.
6. Their spiritual power.
7. Liberty. cf. Ephesians 6:18-20
8. Fear of God.
9. No fear of Man.

I am still praying about this, and working on this list (add to the list if you wish) and I pray God will help me to live a life where people can say of me "He has been with Jesus."

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We Need Creek Swimming, Brier Cutting Men

BH Carroll was right on when he described the need of the Lord's men to act like men. Baptist churches need men to act like men. We need creek swimming, brier cutting men today. Men who will stand up and fulfill their roles God has called them to, namely to act like men. In I Corinthians 16:13 it says "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." God has challenged us, to BE A MAN.

"It is the creek-swimming men that shake the world—the brier-cutting men who will not allow obstacles to keep them from doing what God wants them to do.

Let a congregation get the idea of their pastor that he is pink of perfection, can beat anybody in town tying a cravat [neck tie], and wears the nicest little shoes, knows how to fasten a nose-gay in his vest, and how to enter a room and entertain company; carries an umbrella so as not to burn his delicate skin, then what will be his power to awaken and save the lost? An umbrella is all right in its place, but what I want to impress is this—that a stalwart man, a real man, will accomplish more of the great things in the work than all of these little fellows. He will not stop to consider a thousand things that absorb the mind of the trivial man, but will go right straightforward to the accomplishment of his great purpose. I have heard these dainty essayists preach. I have gone to their churches hungry and tried to -get something—and failed.

It reminds me of the story of a preacher who tells this of himself: During the civil war he went to a house to get some supper. Army rations were poor, and he was very hungry. They had just a little butter and they all wanted to make it go as far as possible, so each one tried to hurry through in order to get another chance at the butter before it disappeared. He said that he could not get rid of the butter in his plate. He even tried to sop it up with his bread, but it did not have any taste to it. At last he looked up and saw through knot-hole in the roof over his head that the moon was shining down through into his plate, and that all the time he had been sopping moonshine.”

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Enough Misery

I always think there is quite enough misery in the world without my making any more.---C.H. Spurgeon

I used to work for one of the big cell phone companies, providing over the phone technical support. We were encouraged to put a quote at the end of our email, along with our signature. Mr. Spurgeon provided mine for a while. It was sort of an inside joke, because in technical support, the only customers I spoke to were the ones whose phone was NOT working, and had already been on the phone for 30 minutes talking to customer service before they got to me. There was quite enough misery in my work day without adding more to it. But that is what sin does to our lives. Sin hinders joy and creates misery. There are pleasures of sin, for a season, but ultimatly it brings more misery.

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Some people thrive in misery as they create misery, encourage unhappiness in themselves and others. Everyday there are countless tragedies, crisis, tribulations and sorrows all over the world so why should I create my own? Sin has brought pain and misery and death upon this world and sin causes men to wallow in misery. The scornful, the blasphemer, the scoffer all delight in making more misery for themselves and others. The child of God finds joy in Christ, following Christ and obeying Christ; sin doesn't bring joy, only more misery.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Writing Wisdom from the Good Doctor

It has often been said
there's so much to be read
you never can cram all those thoughts in your head.

So the writer who breeds
more words than he needs
is making a chore for the reader who reads.

That's why my belief is
the briefer the brief is
the greater the sigh of the reader's relief is.

-Dr. Suess

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Monday, June 8, 2009

You Be The Judge

Was this country founded on Christian principles?

"It is impossible to rightly govern the world with out God and the bilble."
George Washington

"The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one dissoluble bond the principles of civil government with principles of Christianity." John Adams

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionist, but by Christians, not on religions but on the gospel of Jesus Christ." Patrick Henry

It seemed those involved thought so. Patrick Henry, John Adams, and George Washington would be 'extremist' in 2009.

Friday, June 5, 2009

My Not So New Bible

First, read about my My New Bible at the address bellow.

I have had my interleaved bible for six months now, and I have to say that I do like it, a lot. Though it took some getting used to, I feel that I have finally got the hang of turning pages in the pulpit. It is so nice to be able to write full notes beside the passage, especially after doing a word study, and having that information at hand, and not having to dig up old notes. The only downside is the size. I had a very thin bible to begin with, and now it is twice the size, but I am happy with the trade.

Not long after I had got my bible, my two year old found his way into my study and found my open bible, with all those clean, blank pages. He saw his daddy write in this book, so he gave it a try as well.

Yes, after looking for months for someone who could rebind my bible, then shelling out the cash to get it fixed, followed by six weeks of anticipation, I had my bible for two days before, well, you can see. Biblical graffiti and the hands of my young son.

I was upset, but relieved once I realized it was only three pages. As I thought about it, the real blessing was that it was the blank pages that were marred, and not the scriptures. Yes, I have room for notes, references, outlines and the like, but that is all they are. It is not the blank pages that makes this book valuable, it is the Words that God has spoken that make it of eternal value. I thank God that His word is eternal, and that nothing or no one can change or destroy them. What a priceless treasure, the Word of God. So every time I pass through the OT, I see those pages, even when I quickly thumb through to find a verse, these three pages seem to jump out at me, and though my two year old learned a lesson on pens and the Bible, I suppose I did too.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

THEFT By Medford Caudill

By Medford Caudill
Goshen, Indiana

Exodus 20:15; “Thou shalt not steal.”
We have said many times that the Ten Commandments apply to all men for all time. It has never been right in any nation, in any culture, at any time to steal. Because sometimes we can understand the sin, a man that is hungry stealing bread for instance, that does not mean we condone the sin.
John Gill defines stealing, before giving a list of various kinds of theft as; “To take away another man's property by force or fraud, without the knowledge and against the will of the owner thereof.”
In our day sometimes theft comes violently at the point of a gun. Sometimes without our knowledge, as in the case of identity fraud. Sometimes the government steals from its citizens, either by out and out taking their land or property or by unjust taxes. Sometimes companies steal from their employees. Some of the Jewish Rabbis taught that this commandment applied only or mainly to the stealing of men for slavery. Some companies treat their employees as slaves, stealing from them their time, their dignity, and their proper pay. Yes, I know, many employees steal from their employer wanting to get paid for shoddy work or no work at all. That street runs two ways. Many different groups and people are guilty of stealing.
Let's look at some things that as Christians we ought to consider as stealing.
Adultery, which is considered in verse 14 just before this commandment is always a theft. Not only does the adulterer steal a husband from his wife or a wife from her husband but they are also stealing a father or a mother from their children. Surely adultery is a terrible sin and ought to classified as a crime.
The stealing of a child's love from their parents is theft. Teachers will do this many times. Remember when you send your children away to school you are putting them under the authority and care of that teacher for that day. Most people are very strict in choosing a baby sitter but very lax in choosing a teacher who will be with their child every day.
Sometimes, in our cities, a gang will steal a child's love from his parents. Sometimes a cult will steal that love. In reality, a cult is just a religious gang.
Stealing the affection due to God is also theft. False religion can do that. There are people who are more loyal to their denomination, their old home church, or even a building than they are to God.
I moved about a hundred miles away from where I lived to pastor a church one time. In preaching for the church a couple of times before they called me as pastor I noticed a nice elderly couple in the congregation. After I moved there they attended every service. I assumed that they were members but then I found out that they were in actuality members of the Assembly of God. It seems the church that I was pastoring had purchased the building they were meeting in from the Assembly of God a couple of years previously when the Assembly of God had built a new building for their services. This couple was in love with the old building so they continued to attend services there even after it was sold to the Baptists.
Idolatry is stealing the love due to God. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me” (Exodus 20:4,5). Notice how the jealousy of God is connected to idolatry in these verses.
You can steal time in many ways.
You can steal time from your employer. You are paid a certain wage to do a certain job. If you don't spend your time on the job you are stealing. Some use any and every excuse to steal time. Years ago I worked in a furniture factory. I ran a saw that required a feeder, a middle man and a catcher where the boards came out. One day after getting everything set up I had to go looking for my catcher. I found him at a sink in the bathroom with a bar of lava soap washing his false teeth. He said; “You got to clean them sometime!” That might have been true but he didn't have to clean his teeth on company time.
You can also steal time from your family. ”But if any provide not for his own and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” (I Timothy 5:8). It is not enough to provide food and shelter, the Christian should provide his time also.
I had a friend who was excited to meet a man who was some 80 years old whose father had been a famous preacher in the late 1800’s. When he asked this man about his father he simply said; “I don't really remember much about my father. He was always off preaching somewhere.” That is a sad commentary is it not? Many Baptist preachers have lost their children to the world because they were always, “off preaching somewhere”.
You can also steal time from God. Every time you miss a church service you are stealing God's time. Every day you forget to pray, you are stealing God's time. Every day you neglect reading the Bible because you don't have the time is a day stolen from God. To desecrate the Sabbath Day is to steal time from God.
We have mentioned how it is possible to steal the affection due to God and give it to someone or something else. We have also mentioned how you can steal God's time. You can also steal God's money.
“Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse; for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation” (Malachi 3:8,9). If you don't tithe you are robbing God.
To tithe is to give 10% of your income to the Lord. No more or no less. I had a church member one time who told me he wished that he could tithe more. I explained to him that that was an impossibility. The tithe is ten percent. To give less than ten percent is not tithing. To give more than ten percent is to give a tithe and an offering. The tithe in and of itself is ten percent.
God gives you everything that you have. Is it too much for Him to ask you to return to Him one tenth of your income and one seventh of your time?
In thinking on these things we would simply leave you with the admonition of the apostle Paul; “Let him that stole steal no more; but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.” (Ephesians 4:28).

Note: Brother Caudill is a dear friend of mine, and one of my favorite preachers. He has been a great influence on me in the ministry, namely in getting good books into my hands.

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