Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hallelujah, What a Designer!

This is amazing. I had never even considered how difficult it would be for a giraffe to breathe. With every creature, every animal a wonderful design.

Make sure that you watch the end; proves Psalms 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. It says the fool SAID, not believes. The fools says there is no God, but he doesn't really believe it, he is a liar. How do I know? God told us.
Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Virtues of faith in Hebrews 11 by B.H. Carroll

  1. In two cases it has secured translation over the river of death, and will again, on a mightier scale at our Lord’s coming.

  2. It always pleases God, and without it God cannot be pleased.

  3. It brings salvation—sometimes temporal, always eternal.

  4. It both conquers and condemns the world.

  5. It sustains under a privation or torture.

  6. It is a spiritual telescope, bringing the invisible and heavenly world into clear view, and the spiritual microscope discerning God’s providence in the fall of a sparrow.

  7. It confers potency on impotency.

  8. It staggers not in unbelief, though the dead must be raised to fulfill the promise.

  9. It has the spirit of prophecy, foretelling future events.

  10. It is the principle by which great decisions are made.

  11. It divests of all fear except the fear of God.

  12. It is the principle of obedience, progress, and sanctification.

  13. It overcomes the insuperable and achieves the impossible. IT passes seas and rivers dry-shod, crumbles the walls of hostile cities, subdues kingdoms, obtains promises, stops the mouths of lions, quenches the power of fire, escapes the sword, waxes valiant in fight, accepts the spoliation of goods, wanders unawed in mountains, and sleeps undisturbed in dens and caves of the earth.

  14. It understands origins, and destines, and the supernatural—all beyond the ken, and outside the realm of human science and philosophy.

  15. It controls the life, being the eye and ear and hand of the soul.


Douglas Newell IV

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is Mormonism Christian?

A great number of people are being about Mormonism. The following is a video response from James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries to a LDS video in which the Mormon "apostle" claims that he is Christian.

It is worth the time to watch the video, in my opinion. If not for your sake, the sake of others you may know who are falling into snare of Mormonism because Mormonism is not Christian. Conservatism and United States patriotism does not trump the gospel. Glenn Beck, out of deception or ignorance, is promoting his faith as Christian, and undiscerning Christians are joining with him. It is sad to see so many men and women put the gospel SECOND because our country must come first.

1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Douglas Newell IV

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Word of God by James Smith

Continuing our theme on God's Word, here is a excerpt from a message preached by James Smith at New Park Street Church, London, 1849. You can read the sermon in its entirety at Gracegems.org.

The Bible is God's book, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and therefore free from error; "Holy men of God wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."

It contains God's law, the church's history, and Christ's gospel. It reveals God, opens heaven, and directs man. It makes known God's thoughts, the world's doom, and the church's blessedness. It unfolds eternity to time, brings heaven to earth, and makes invisible realities known. It was written for sinners, has been preserved by a special providence, and is the godly man's treasure. Infidels scorn it, angels study it with wonder, and the saints delight in it. It is a token of God's love, a proof of his regard, and a display of his concern for our welfare.

This Word of God contains . . .
the Law—commanding, condemning, and cursing;
the Psalms—disclosing, elevating, and praising;
the Gospel—unfolding, inviting, and directing;
the Prophets—predicting, exhorting, and denouncing.

It contains a rich variety, a divine fullness, and is exactly adapted to meet the case and condition of sinners.
Its histories are true, instructive, and impartial.
Its precepts are just, holy, and good.
Its cautions are beneficial, wise, and useful.
Its exhortations are judicious, adapted, and profitable.
Its reproofs are kind, solemn, and suitable.
Its directions are merciful, practical, and plain.
Its instructions are deep, spiritual, and extensive.
Its corrections are loving, just, and judicious.
Its doctrines are divine, sublime, and glorious.
Its descriptions are vivid, correct, and impartial.
Its invitations are general, attractive, and gracious.
Its promises are great, numerous, and invaluable.
Its warnings are solemn, preventing, and tender.
Its threatenings are dreadful, alarming, and just.
Its parables are simple, instructive, and edifying.
Its types are significant, impressive, and suitable.
Its examples are bright, winning, and worthy.
It is in every part, and every way, worthy of a God!

We have this blessed book as God's free gift, procured for us by our adorable Redeemer, and bestowed upon us through the Holy Spirit. Its revelations were delivered, first orally, then written, then printed: first given to a few, then written for many, then printed for all: first freely bestowed, then hard to be obtained and now easily to be gotten. Given by God, opposed by the devil, blasphemed by many, rejected by more, unknown to thousands—but highly prized by a few. It is suited to youth, adapted to manhood—but peculiarly applicable to old age. It is the child's lesson book, the learner's class book, and the scholar's text book. Many study it, all Christians believe it—but none fully comprehend it.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Plenary, Verbal Inspiration

The Bible, over and again, declares itself to be the Words of God. There are 1,717 variants of ‘saith the Lord’.
Thus saith the Lord – 413 times in the Old Testament
Lord said/saith – 233 times
Saith the Lord God - 253 times
Saith the Lord -- 815
Word(s) of the Lord – 274 times
Word(s) of God - 54 times
Commandment(s) of God/the Lord – 65 times
176 verses in Psalm 119
Lord Spake – 144 times

Divine authorship of the Bible is not only declared, but God Himself had told us over 2,000 times that this is His Word. If you spread it out, that would be more than once on every page. The Bible is authoritative and sufficient because the Author testifies it to His people.
2 Thessalonians 2:13, 1 John 2:20

The Bible also tells us how it was inspired, by plenary, verbal inspiration.
2 Samuel 23:2; Acts 1:16; 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (17) That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

J.R. Graves in The Work of Christ Consummated in Seven Dispensations said:

“It is urged by some who profess to be the friends of Christianity, that “since the Bible was not given to teach us Geology or Astronomy, Geography or History, that only those parts are inspired that teach religion, while there may be inaccuracies with respect to secular and scientific matters.” I cannot accept this proposed betrayal of the Word of God. I accept no compromise. It is all God’s Word, or none of it is God’s Word. Can all Scripture be indeed inspired of God and yet abound with manifest and manifold errors touching secular things? Is not God as regardful of His veracity in small things as well as in the greatest – concerning science, geography, and history as purely “religious matters?” When one falsehood can be undoubtedly fixed upon any part of the Sacred Book, then its claims upon my credence are forever forfeited. If one statement is found to be false, I know not which ones are true. There may be errors in the transcription of the ancient manuscripts; there may be errors in translation, and errors many in interpretation, but that the original Scriptures are the words of the living God, he most explicitly declares them to be. No true friend to Christianity can advocate a spotted inspiration, since it effectually wipes out the Bible as a reliable book from the face of the earth. God has placed his imprimatur upon “all Scripture” and therefore He avows Himself the Author of each and every utterance and allusion they contain. This is my position: All Scripture is inspired, and therefore no Scripture can be uninspired.”

For six thousand years, Satan and his children have tried to destroy God’s Word, limit God’s Word, Question God’s Word, discredit, criticize in textual criticism, replace it, water it down, mistranslate it, and yet this book still remains. God has told us thousands of times this is His Word, the Holy Spirit testifies to His people that the Bible is His Word.

The New Hampshire about 1833 states:

We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired, and is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction; that it has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture of error for its matter; that it reveals the principles by which God will judge us; and therefore is, and shall remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions should be tried.


Douglas Newell IV

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Big Tent of Damnable Heresy

First, if you CAN watch this.

WARNING:if you have just finished eating, maybe come back in about 60 minutes. Not for the faint hearted (actually, it is intended for the faint-hearted, that is what makes him dangerous Romans 16:18)

Reminds me of what Spurgeon said in Lectures to my Students
Abhor the practice of some men, who will not bring out the letter "r," such a habit is "vewy wuinous and wediculous, vewy wetched and wepwehensible." Now and then a brother has the felicity to possess a most winning and delicious lisp. This is perhaps among the least of evils, where the brother himself is little and winning, but it would ruin any being who aimed at manliness and force. I can scarcely conceive of Elijah lisping to Ahab, or Paul prettily chipping his words on Mars' hill.

I digress.

If you reject the Bible, orthodoxy, truth, the inerrancy of scripture and hold to a squishy universalism, that is not Christianity. Take your big tent of damnable heresy somewhere else.

Clayton said on the website:
"As leaders it’s our task to help break the cycle of anger, of rejection leading to rejection, and to foster a radically different understanding of the heart of Christian faith.”

A radically different understanding of the heart of the Christian faith? What is the heart of the Christian faith? The Cross. The substitutionary atoning death of Jesus Christ the Lord and His resurrection for the justification of the elect. Christ alone, through faith alone. What, pray tell, is your radically different idea? What about your liberal theology are you going to give up to have this big tent? How about you abandon your universalism, repent and trust in Christ alone? See, when heretics like Brian McClaren and Clayton clamor and lisp about for unity, what that really means is abandon truth and unify with our heresy.

This conference is coming to my town. Perhaps the biggest group of heretics in the world, all coming together "e-merging" at one conference, if you will. Tony Jones, Peter Rollins, Keith Ward, Tripp Fuller, Tim Conder, Terence Fretheim, Greg Boyd and Jo-Ann Badley Philip Clayton, Brian McLaren.

It is interesting to wonder why they want to keep the name Christian at all? If you are opposed to the fundamental teachings of Christianity, then why do they insist on being Christians, other than to purposefully deceive and secretly bring in damnable heresies.
I read his bio where it says:
"Philip Clayton is a philosopher and theologian specializing in the entire range of issues that arise at the intersection between science and religion."

and this:
"Above all, Clayton’s books and articles address the cultural battle currently raging between science and religion. Rejecting the scientism of Dawkins and friends, he argues, does not open the door to fundamentalism."

and my PERSONAL favorite:
"As a public intellectual he seeks to address the burning ethical and political issues at the intersection of science, ethics, religion, and spirituality (e.g., the stem cell debate, euthanasia, the environmental crisis, interreligious warfare). As a philosopher he works to show the compatibility of science with religious belief across the fields where the two may be integrated (emergence theory, evolution and religion, evolutionary psychology, neuroscience and consciousness)."
Emphasis mine.
So, how does one become a public intellectual? I asked my wife from henceforth to call me by my new self appointed title "Doug Newell: public intellectual". I kind of expected her laughing at me; which is kind of my point. If you are a PUBLIC intellectual, do you really have to tell us that you are in your bio?

This also gives the answer to this "big tent" idea. See, Mr. Clayton seems to be more concerned with being accepted as a philosopher, scientist and a public intellectual than with Biblical truth. He wants everyone to know that he isn't an atheist like Richard Dawkins, but that doesn't mean he has to be one of those crazy people who believe in the authority and sufficiency of Divine Holy Writ.

Want to be a public intellectual, go be one, but stop calling it Christianity.


Douglas Newell IV

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gossip, Jehu Style.

Some people treat their brothers and sisters, with their gossip, like Jehu treated Jezebel with his horse. Jehu had Jezebel thrown down out of the window and her blood splattered all over (2 Kings 9:31-33). But like Jehu, once the person has fallen high and landed hard, think they need to trample the body under foot for good measure. Once a man has fallen, there is no need to trample the brother down under foot with gossip.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Unbelievers who despise God's Holiness

I have been reading and commenting on a blog called Preaching Barefoot: Pastoral Ministry as a Human Being.

The original post was on how to deal with unbelievers rejection of God based upon God's judgment in the flood found in Genesis 6. The author said that his friends had said they couldn't believe in the God of the bible because of the violence of the flood. That their god was loving and merciful.

Here is the introductory statement of the author Zack Eswine from his blog.
Why do some of our neighbors doubt the God of the Bible and what responsibility do we have toward them in this doubt? In response to a thoughtful inquiry regarding my post on how we think about the violence of God, I tried to answer this question. How would you answer?

Here is the inquiry: I had said that the violence of God in Genesis 6 challenged me. “It challenged me because I know that two dear friends of mine reject the God of the Bible because of this very passage and others like it.”

The good question then came:
Do you think that they reject the God of the Bible because of passages like this or is it because God is holy? Perhaps it has more to do with the fact that had they lived in this time, they would have been judged too.

I am of the opinion that the unbeliever in that situation is not offended by the so-called violence of God but rather His holiness.

The entire point of Genesis 6 is to show God’s love and mercy, but the love and mercy of God is not seen without God’s holiness and wrath. God’s holiness is the jewel of His attributes. God’s wrath was kindled because of sin and God’s mercy was displayed in salvation from God’s justice.

Let me put it this way. YOU are Noah. You know that the flood is coming by God’s word. You know that the only way for your friends to live is to repent, believe, and be in the ark when the flood comes. So when you tell them about the flood, they laugh and don’t believe God would be so ‘violent’ as to send destruction on them, their god is loving. What do you do? After 100 years, no doubt the warning of God’s judgment was trite to the unbelieving neighbors but the reality of the situation was no less true. God’s love and mercy was that He provided a way of escape, salvation.

Our situation is really not any different than Noah’s, judgment is coming and there is salvation in the Ark. 2 Peter 2:5 says that Noah was a preacher of righteousness. Hebrews 11:7 said that in fear he built the ark and by this condemned the world. Noah’s message was one of holiness, righteousness and coming judgment. Noah’s message also showed that God had prepared a way of salvation for those who would believe. I can’t say that Noah “didn’t try” but Noah was faithful to present the reality of the situation. The answer may seem trite to the unbeliever and unless God works in their heart, as He did mine, it [the gospel message] will be extremely offensive.

It is not the violence; it is the judgment that bothers people, and rightly so. It is the fact that all have sinned and come short of God’s glory that disturbs them. The clear black and white of justice and law.

The unbeliever won't believe by tempering who God is in our message. We must preach lovingly and with mercy, but declare God's truth.


Douglas Newell IV

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins

We are currently going through Matthew on Wednesday night at church (transitioned from Sunday night to Wednesday night after the Sermon on the Mount). In chapters eight and nine, Matthew lays out proofs that Jesus is the Messiah. There are two overarching themes in these chapters, but let’s just take a look briefly and the eighth chapter.

1st: Faith.
The leper had faith that Jesus could make him clean.
The Centurion had faith that Jesus could heal his servant, merely by saying the words (he had GREAT faith).
Jesus healed the multitude that came to Peter's house, having faith that he could heal.
Jesus tells his disciples that they would have to forsake all and follow him, that is a life living by faith.
Jesus calmed the stormy sea and the disciples were said to have LITTLE faith.

2nd: Power.
Christ had power over sickness
Christ had divine power in His Word.
Jesus had power over the flesh.
Jesus had power over the elements.
Jesus had power over demons by casting out Legion.

We come, at the beginning of chapter nine, to the next point that Jesus has Divine power over; the power to forgive sins.

In chapter nine we have the account of the man with palsly who had come to Christ for healing and forgivness. The multitude had come and the paralyzed man (who was being helped by his friends) were unable to navigate through the crowds to get to the Lord. They went on top of the house, lifted the roofing and lowered their friend down to the Lord.

Jesus say their faith and said “Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven.” The scribes that heard it thought that Jesus had commited blasphemy by saying He could do what only God could do; forgive sins.

Matthew 9:6 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.

Jesus has the power to forgive sins. The word is translated from the word ‘exousia’ which means a power and kingly authority. (“All ‘power’ is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth”). Jesus has the power to forgive sins and has the authority to forgive sins.

The authority to forgive is vastly important. Who do we offend when we sin? We offend God. Who alone has the authority to forgive? Do I have the authority to sign a prisoner’s pardon? Do I have the authority to forgive you enemy for you? NO! only the offended has the authority to forgive. Jesus, God the Son, has the authority as part of the Godhead to forgive sins

Next, as the ‘Son of Man’, the most common term Jesus addressed Himself, Jesus identifies with us as the Godman. Jesus as God has the authority to forgive sins and Jesus, the Son of Man, has the ability to die for sins. The Son of man with the Divine authority on Earth to forgive sins. Jesus plainly tells who He is and what He has come to do, forgive sins.

Jesus is able to forgive. He has the power (ability) to forgive sins and He has the authority to pronounce sins forgiven. Jesus has the means and ability to atone for sins and He has the power to confidently proclaim a man forgiven. He has the authority to command one to go away without fear, for sins are forgiven.

Isaiah 43:25 I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.

Jesus, in His great love and compassion saw the need of one who came to Him by faith. Trembling and afraid, this man came to Christ know that Jesus was able to forgive sins. It was by faith, not by works that this man was healed.

For all those who are unclean by the filth of sin and who are spiritually sick, who are of themselves, unable to move, as the man with palsy. He couldn’t walk to Jesus, he had to be brought by his friends; likewise we, of our own power and accord cannot walk to Christ, but must be brought by the friend and comforter of sinners, the Holy Spirit of God. We are unable to heal ourselves and unable to bring ourselves to the place of salvation. But by faith, we have access to God, and by God’s amazing grace, through faith, we too can arise and walk with the Lord, to come of the bed of death and Hell and walk in newness of life by the Spirit’s power.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Last Days on Earth

Haven't had time to blog lately, been busy. Just to clean the cobwebs off the site, here is a little ditty from Mr. Bill Monroe.