Friday, August 27, 2010

Virtues of faith in Hebrews 11 by B.H. Carroll

  1. In two cases it has secured translation over the river of death, and will again, on a mightier scale at our Lord’s coming.

  2. It always pleases God, and without it God cannot be pleased.

  3. It brings salvation—sometimes temporal, always eternal.

  4. It both conquers and condemns the world.

  5. It sustains under a privation or torture.

  6. It is a spiritual telescope, bringing the invisible and heavenly world into clear view, and the spiritual microscope discerning God’s providence in the fall of a sparrow.

  7. It confers potency on impotency.

  8. It staggers not in unbelief, though the dead must be raised to fulfill the promise.

  9. It has the spirit of prophecy, foretelling future events.

  10. It is the principle by which great decisions are made.

  11. It divests of all fear except the fear of God.

  12. It is the principle of obedience, progress, and sanctification.

  13. It overcomes the insuperable and achieves the impossible. IT passes seas and rivers dry-shod, crumbles the walls of hostile cities, subdues kingdoms, obtains promises, stops the mouths of lions, quenches the power of fire, escapes the sword, waxes valiant in fight, accepts the spoliation of goods, wanders unawed in mountains, and sleeps undisturbed in dens and caves of the earth.

  14. It understands origins, and destines, and the supernatural—all beyond the ken, and outside the realm of human science and philosophy.

  15. It controls the life, being the eye and ear and hand of the soul.


Douglas Newell IV

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