Monday, May 12, 2014

Leaving Home

Isaac Watts, at the age of 16, left the home he loved and the parents he adored and went to college. He gave vent to his sadness in a letter. A little late for a Mother's Day post, but thought it worthy to share.

E’er since the morning of that day 
Which bid my dearest friends adieu, 
And rolling wheels bore me away
Far from my native town and you, 
E’er since I lost through distant place, 
the pleasures of a parent’s face.…

-The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts by Douglas Bond

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Sad and Dreadful Thing

"How sad and dreadful a thing will it be for such poor sinners when they come to die, and enter into the world of spirits, there to find that the God they once loved and trusted in, was nothing but an image framed in their own fancy! They hated the God of Scripture, and hated His law, and therefore would not believe that either God or His law were indeed what they were. They were resolved to have a god and a law more to their own minds. How dreadful will their disappointment be! How terrible their surprise! They would never own that they were enemies to God; now they will see that their enmity was so great as to make them resolutely—notwithstanding the plainest evidence— even to deny Him to be what He was."

Joseph Bellamy from AW Pink on Repentance