It's also the definition of practice.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
A prayer for prayer.
“Lord, teach me what it is to pray; Lord, excite and quicken me to the duty; Lord, direct me what to pray for; Lord, give me praying graces, that I may serve God acceptably in prayer; Lord, teach me to pray in proper words; give me a mouth and wisdom in prayer, that I may speak as I ought; teach me what I shall say.”
Matthew Henry
Go on or come on?
Rifleman Costello, of the 95th, said the troops divided officers into two classes, the ‘come on’ and the ‘go on’, ‘and with us,’ he said, ‘the latter were exceedingly few in numbers’. Rifleman Plunket once told an officer, ‘The words “go on” don’t befit a leader, Sir.’You should labor for the Lord.
“A man is worked upon by what he works on,”
Frederick Douglass
Think you would have done better than Adam?
“I never asked for them to be my representatives,” some pout. “I think it would have been fairer if we’d all just stood our own tests, our own Gardens of Eden, one by one.” To that, two thoughts . . . First, everything Adam and Eve were and had, you aren’t and don’t. None of us had perfect parents, genes, upbringing, environment, society. All the advantages Adam and Eve had, we lack. They were quite literally model humans, and they didn’t last a whole chapter. You really think you would have done better? Second, by that very objection, you undo your argument. God evidently determined that this was a fair and just way to deal with mankind. In opposing our wisdom over against the wisdom of God, and insisting that we might have a better idea, we do exactly as Eve did: We prefer our judgment as superior to God’s judgment. And so, pencils down. Test over. You already failed. Just as Greatgramma Eve and Great-grampa Adam did.
The World-Tilting Gospel by Dan Philips