A.W. Tozer wrote in, The Knowledge of the Holy, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most
important thing about us." What do
you think about when you think about God and why? Thoughts do "pop"
in our head, but they come from someplace. I may start singing a song I haven't
listened to in 20 years and it seemingly comes out of nowhere, but something
triggered a memory of information I already had in my brain. Calculus or
trigonometry doesn't just pop into someone's head unless they previously
studied mathematics.
What you think about God and who He is comes from someplace.
Either what someone told you, or what you read about God, or who you wish God
was, informs what you think about God. But, anything you think about God,
that does not come from God's Holy Scriptures, is an idol.
In Matthew 16, Jesus asked the disciples two questions. "Who
do men say that I am," and "who do you say that I am." What do you think about when you think about
Jesus? Do you think he was a prophet? A good man? A good teacher? A Jewish
rabbi? Who do you say Jesus is? Jesus said He was the Christ. The Son of the
Living God. Jesus said the only way to Heaven is through Him, and without
believing and trusting in Him, you are eternally condemned and damned. What do
you think about Jesus? You shouldn’t be indifferent to Jesus, based on His
claims on you. By saying that He is the Christ, Jesus is the King of Kings, and
all people must bow before him (Psalm 2). What do you think about Jesus? Who do
you say He is?
The Bible says Jesus is the eternal Son of God. The Word
made flesh. The second person of the Trinity who entered His own creation to
seek and save the lost sheep the Father gave Him. Jesus was crucified, died,
and laid in a tomb, and after three days and three nights, rose from the dead.
The Lord Jesus, who said you must believe in Him or go to Hell. Jesus rose from
the dead, as he told everyone He would. Who do you say Jesus is? A lot of
people say they believe in Jesus, but what Jesus? The Jesus of the Bible or of their own imagination? A great number of
people say they believe and even love Jesus, but when you dig a little deeper,
the Jesus they describe is not the same Jesus of Scripture, but an idol. Sadly,
many people believe in a man they have invented, with all the attributes they admire and called him Jesus. Your
most pressing need is to know the true Jesus revealed in Scripture (John 17:3).
Matthew Henry said, "many people have a high view of Jesus, just not high