I was once at an event about Biblical creation. In the
parking lot, I met a group of protestors. Atheists who came to tell me I was believing
a lie and should be ashamed for bringing my kids to an exhibit based on blind
faith. They told me (in many different ways) I should abandon "faith"
and trust in reason. Scientist, they said, are neutral and are only concerned
with the facts and come to a conclusion after fair deliberation. I suppose, once
a man puts on the sacred white lab coat, they cannot lie and are infallible. It's
a popular, albeit false premise. Both creationist and evolutionist deal with
the same evidence. The difference stems from faith and belief. You cannot recreate
evolution to examine it by scientific method. Creation and the origin of the species
are historical events. Observing changes in kinds of animals is not the same as
observing one species evolve into another. It comes down to our starting points and who we
are going to believe.
Maybe you are thinking, “Sure, Bible believing scientists
have the evidence, but they have a preconceived agenda.” But, how can an
evolutionary scientist be fair and unbiased while excluding possible outcomes
from the beginning? The assumption of evolutionist is God did not create
the Heavens and the Earth in six literal days. Every test starts with the
assumption there is no God, which is coming to the table with a preconceived
bias. Everyone has a predisposition. Neutrality is a myth.
Here is some evidence I would like to bring to your
attention. Not about creation or evolution, but about man. You can test it out yourself and use your
friends, family as subjects. Every man is a liar (Romans 3:4). All of humanity
are liars (Psalm 116:11). We have all sinned (Romans 3:23) and have a deceitful
heart, even fooling ourselves (Jeremiah 17:9). The evidence of our wicked heart
is how we live (Matthew 15:19-20). If you tell me the Bible isn't accurate
about the heart of man, then you are a liar and are deceived, and also prove my
point. The same Bible that gives us
such an unflattering, yet accurate look at our own heart tells us that the
Bible is true (Psalm 119:160) and it's an enduring truth that will not be
overturned (Psalm 117:2) from a source of infinite understanding (Psalm 147:5).
Who are you going to believe?
Since science
cannot recreate origins, everyone must start somewhere with an assumption to
interpret the data. There may be millions of volumes of scientific writing on the
big bang, or evolution, but that is a mountain of research, all written on the assumption
of an unprovable theory, from fallible humans. Are you willing to build your
view of the world, and eternity based on the words of biased, agenda based men?
Are their studies a sure foundation for
your soul? Will you trust in the ever-changing works of scientist and live and
die by their conclusions?
Since the beginning, Satan has attacked God’s word telling Eve “Ye shall not surely die” when God said they would if they ate the fruit. Eve had to ask herself
“who am I going to believe?” It was a direct attack on the authority of God’s word. Every since, man and Devil alike have attacked God’s word, its truthfulness, its accuracy, its reliability, its authenticity; yet the Word of God remains! The great shame of it is that God’s children put more faith in a fallible scientist and believe gap theories and theistic evolution rather than the Holy Spirit. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:1-3
Who are you going to believe? Faith in a scientist or faith in the Word of God? We will use the Bible as our proof, because it is the best proof and it would be foolish not to use it. Why hide the very Word of God as our proof and try to use words of men when God has plainly told us in His inerrant word.
Who are you going to believe?
Who are you going to believe? The scientist starts saying there is no God. We start with the text “In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth (Gen 1:1).” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and to exclude the Bible from the start is to assume the evolutionist is correct in their claims about God. Evolutionist insists we start with the idea there is not God, then look at the facts, which of course is prejudice to the fact there is a God. It is not impartiality or objectivity to speak about creation without using the Bible, it is extreme bias. The Bible is our starting place. The Bible is the unchangeable, infallible Word of God, so we must look at everything through the eyes of the Holy Bible. Want to know about fossils? Look at fossils through the Bible. The Bible tells us that all creatures were created in the first six days of creation. Start first with scripture, the known truth, and then interpret the evidence. You may think that is biased, but consider what evolution does. They take a fossil and start with the premise of evolution, then interpret the fossil in the context of millions of years.
Who are you going to believe? Creation is not a developing science, it is history. One that studies the Civil War is a historian, one that studies Greek or Roman Empire, historian. A person that examines ancient ruins is called an archaeologist. How is creation any different? The science of origins is not an ongoing repeatable science but rather a onetime historical event. Any scientific study that occurs now in the study of origins will only prove a preconceived notion since it cannot be repeated, and it was a historical event.
Who are you going to believe? It is an act of faith; you will either believe the Word of God or the word of fallible men. The Bible is firsthand testimony from the one who was there! You cannot dispute He who never lied. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth."
Do not mistake a belief in creation for eternal life. God makes it clear that man naturally can see that there is a Sovereign God, in His creation. Believing God exists will not save your soul. Some confirm God’s existence, believe in creation, yet reject the Saviour. Many will call Him Creator and many will call His the Son of God; but few will call Him Saviour.
Who are you going to believe? Your heart, or the Word of God? What the bible says is true, from front to back. The Creator demands for His creation to be Holy. Failure to keep His commandments is called sin. The wages of sin is death, eternal judgment in the Lake of Fire. The Bible also tells us that there is salvation in Jesus Christ. That God sent His only begotten Son into the world to be a sin sacrifice. Christ Jesus bore the sins of His people on the cross and gave himself for a ransom for sinners, shedding His blood as the sin offering. He died and after three days and three nights rose from the dead.
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, trust in His word on the cross and be saved.
Douglas Newell IV