Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Move and Other Random Thoughts

Some random thoughts for a Saturday afternoon.

God has blessed my family, yet again, and given us a house. For the past two months, we have been working to purchase this particular home, and through many ups, downs, twists and turns, we finally closed. The current mortgage crisis has been hard for many, but it turned out to be a blessing for us finding a home that we could afford, actually paying half of what we were paying in rent.

I have had some PC problems, and had limited use of the net, so posting has been pretty much out of the question. Today I carried the second load of empty boxes to the recycling depot, and I may be corrugated free! Half of my books are on the shelf, while the other half are lying in repose, waiting for me to finish typing.

We went on visitation today, and spoke to several, and witnesses to most we came in contact with. Today, I spoke with an Iraq war veteran. I am still heartbroken over speaking with him. War has left him cold and bitter, or maybe war hardened his already stony heart. I pray that God would break it and give him a stone of flesh. He would not even allow me to engage him with the gospel once he saw my bible and understood the reason for my visit. Heartbreaking.

Sorry for the delay on the series on public education, I will try to resume on Monday.

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