Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why Preach Church Truth?

Things would go a lot easier for us if we would just 'get along' and agree to disagree on the church; however, we have not been called to a life of ease. Better to be despised by the world and hold to the truth than to be praised by the world and compromise the faith once delivered. When I think of my Baptist forefathers who were truly persecuted and despised and beaten and imprisoned; those preachers who were torn from their wives and children and were taken from their homes, sharing their life with a blessed family to sharing them with the rats and disease of the dungeon cell, I am embolden to carry on in this eleventh hour, when we serve in the cool of the day here in America. If the worst that happens is a couple walk out of services without shaken any one's hand because of the truth of baptism, or that some ministerial association think us bigoted and naive, then I have it easy comparatively. In light of what I face, even more disgrace to compromise.

God help His churches,
By Grace,
Douglas Newell IV

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