Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday's Sermons

I preached this morning on the subject Authority and Baptism. We started in Luke 20:1-8, but in particular verse four; The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? Baptism was from Heaven to John, who baptized Christ, who first authorized His disciples to baptize in His name (John 4:1-2) then authorized His church to baptize (Matthew 28:18-20).

Tonight, if the Lord wills, I will preach on the danger of poor exegesis, using examples from Matthew 5:31-48, in particular and eye for an eye and oaths. If we don’t expound the Word of God correctly, then even though we have a text, we may not learn the true lesson of the text. Taking passages out of context or not in context of chapter, book, testament or the totality of Scripture is a sure fire way to heresy and error in doctrine.


Douglas Newell IV

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