Friday, August 7, 2020

Foundation Seal

I take comfort in the fact God does not and will not change. In Paul’s day, there were a couple of men, Hymenaeus and Philetus, who taught a false doctrine saying the resurrection had already passed. Decades from Christ’s ascension, false teachers were creeping into the churches. Wolves in sheep’s clothing defiling and harming the churches. The house of God under attack from without and from within. 2 Timothy 2:19, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”

Let’s walk over to the institution of God’s church and a closer look. After almost 2,000 years since her founding, the house of God remains and is sealed with and inscription. The seal in ancient times was used to authenticate messages, ensure and guarantee the ownership of  what was sealed. The church belongs, not to men, but the Lord Jesus. The foundation is laid, and the Chief Corner stone is set. The gates of Hell have not prevailed against her. While times change, people change, countries change, governments change, Christ never changes and the institution of His church, is sure. The foundation of God standeth sure. As the tides of time beat upon the house, the foundation standeth sure. The storms of persecution blow, but the foundation stands sure. The storms of heresy blow against the house, the foundation stands sure.  Time has not destroyed the Lord’s church. Heresy has not toppled her. Persecution only spread the gospel truth and message. As we walk closer to examine the foundation and you’ll notice an inscription engraved on the cornerstone. It’s sealed on two sides with a message. The first says,  “The Lord Knoweth them that are His.” The Lord hasn’t forgotten his people. The Lord also is not confused by who is and who is not his children. Though men apostatize and Christians fall away or are carried away, the truth remains, the Lord knows his own. The Almighty is not deceived by the wolves and will protect his sheep. 

If we walk to the other side of the stone, there’s another inscription. “Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” Those who name the name of Christ do not live in iniquity, but depart from it. Those who are in Christ walk in the Spirit and if you have not the Spirit of Christ, you don’t have Christ. Do you doubt we live in perilous times? Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and tell me that doesn’t describe our times. In fact, the passage could be the description of any number of “news” segments you might have the misfortune of watching. But the people of God depart from iniquity. No matter what the culture says or what is permitted, encouraged, or even commanded — God’s people depart from iniquity. The impish plans and works of the wicked will not frustrate the Lord’s work. 

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