Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Honorable Marriage (PART 2)

Perhaps if marriage was looked upon as God intended, the issue of homosexual marriage would never have arisen, for I believe people would not stand for such an attack on the home if we truly viewed marriage as honorable. Sadly, even in some Christian homes marriage is not treated honorably, but with contempt and disdain. Can we be surprised that the secular humanist have no respect for marriage if Christians do not? I believe that perhaps we have only seen the beginning of this push for gay marriage, and this very loud minority will not stop until they get their way, despite the will of the people. I have seen and heard many well intentioned people debate this issue, and they are almost embarrassed to give an answer to why gay marriage is wrong. I do not believe that we need to be apologetic in our apologetics and for having a biblical point of view. Praying that we as a Christian people will stand firm in our biblical view of the honorable institution of marriage, we must answer the calculated questions that arise from proponents of gay marriage. Make no mistake, these carefully crafted and oft repeated questions and mantras come by no accident, but are all part of a propaganda campaign to change the minds of the American people. These catchy phrases, and tricky questions come from the Father of lies himself, and are used to cause the weak to question their moral beliefs. He tried the same with our Lord, as the Pharisees oft asked questioned designed to be pitfalls, but we must follow our Lord’s example and not let Satan get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices (II Cor. 2:11). We must be ready to see these questions for what they are, and pray God give us the strength and vigor to answer them biblically.
First of all, "gay" marriage is a misnomer. Two men can't marry each other, it is impossible. They could go to the court house, say vows, and with all the power vested in every jot and title of the constitution of any state of Union, combined with all the power vested in the United States constitution, pooled with all the power of every elected politician, and every unelected judge behind the bench, all of this power and authority cannot make two men be married. Two women can send out invitations, rent a hall, and hire musicians to play Paschel’s “Cannon in D” as they walk the isle, there could be vows and smiles, rings and tears, nevertheless, at their receptions, they would not be married, because they CANNOT be married. God's purpose for His institution was from the beginning, and always will be, the union of man and woman. That is marriage, and man and woman are the only two parties that can be married. From the beginning God made them male and female, for the purpose of marriage. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Mark 10:6-9) Nothing can be so clear. Whatever union they believe to have, they are not married because they do not meet the qualifications of two persons desiring matrimony (Matrimony - Marriage; wedlock; the union of man and woman for life; the nuptial state. Webster’s). We must never let ourselves be framed in their debate, but remain strong in our biblical worldview. Once we give way, just an inch, to the possibility that homosexuals could be married, we have already started down the wrong path. Plain and simple, no two men ever have, nor ever will marry.

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