Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jesus, The Only Way

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me.

The foundational truth of Christianity is Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Jesus simply and authoritatively declares that in John 14:6. The context of this passage tells us that Jesus informs His disciples that it would be necessary for Him to die upon the cross; Jesus was going to lay down His life for His people (John 10) to suffer God’s wrath for sins in their stead. Starting in the 14th chapter, Jesus then tells the disciples not to be troubled because His death will secure them Heaven, and that Jesus would live, and return for them. Thomas asked Jesus, if you leave, how will we know how to find you, how can we get to Heaven?

Then Jesus tells Him that He is the way, the truth and the life.Jesus is the way to Heaven. Some want to make God bend to the sincerity of a man’s heart, and as long as a person believes in “a god” then they will go to Heaven. Can you go to Heaven without faith in Christ? Jesus answers the question for Thomas, and for any who ask it, Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

Jesus is the truth. In our post-modern society, everyone gets to have their own truth, and the only thing that is definitive is, nothing is definitive. Truth is absolute, God’s word is absolute truth and in it we read that God sent His son, Jesus, to die on the cross for sin, then He was buried for three days and three nights, and rose from the grave for our justification, and whosever believes in Him and by faith and trusts in the finished work of Christ, shall be saved. That is the only truth of the way to Heaven.

Jesus is the Life. Man has an eternal soul and one will either be present with the Lord in Heaven, or lift up their eyes in Hell to pay for their sins. Only Jesus can provide eternal life in Heaven. No man can come to God, expect through Jesus Christ. Some say that different faiths worship the same God, only in different ways. Jesus said no man cometh unto the Father, but by me; no one will be saved unless they believe in Jesus Christ. If a person tries to know God or worship God in any other way than through Jesus, according to Christ they are “thieves and robbers” (John 10:8) and will go to Hell.

This is basic Christianity, this is the gospel. There is one God who is a Holy God. He created man in His own image, man rebelled against Him and now the human race is sunk in depravity. God being Holy and Just must punish sin, which is breaking God’s laws. God also being merciful sent His Son, Jesus, to take the place of sinners on the cross. Jesus accepted the punishment for the sins of His people, He took their place that they might have eternal life. Jesus died, the just for the unjust, and shed His blood on the cross for an atonement for sin. He died, and rose victoriously from the grave; by faith, whoever believes in Christ, shall not suffer in Hell for their sins, but be born again and have everlasting life.Jesus makes it plain, there is only one way to God, and that is faith in Christ. Any other belief system is rejecting the way, the truth and the life; the consequence of rejecting Christ is an eternity in the Lake of Fire.

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