The Infinite Merit of Christ by Craig Biehl
I am really enjoying The Infinite Merit of Christ by Craig Biehl. The subtitle is: The Glory of Christ's Obedience in the Theology of Jonathan Edwards. I usually do not enjoy reading a book that is roughly half quotes from another author[s] especially if hundreds of years separate the two writers. The vast difference in the use of languages are distracting to me. But Biehl has done a great job in writing that I do not find the frequent alternating paragraphs between him and Edwards distracting at all. I haven't read the book to recommend it, but I do love this quote from Biehl summarizing the first chapter.

"...Edwards defines the glory of God as the shining forth of His excellent perfections. Internally the glory of God is displayed and communicated among the persons of the Trinity in the Son reflecting the excellent perfections of the Father, in the Father viewing His own excellence in the perfections of the Son, and in the Father’s joy and love of those perfections by the Holy Spirit, the love between the persons of the Trinity. In the same manner, God accompli9shes His ultimate purpose to display and communicate His glory to His creatures in His glory displayed in the person and redeeming work of Christ, and in the giving of the Holy Spirit to believers by whom they love and rejoice in the excellence of the Son of the Father. Consequently, God’s ultimate purpose to glorify Himself is one and the same with His purpose to communicate His happiness to His creatures, the whole of which is accomplished in and through the person and redeeming work of Christ."
Douglas Newell IV
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