We are currently going through Matthew on Wednesday night at church (transitioned from Sunday night to Wednesday night after the Sermon on the Mount). In chapters eight and nine, Matthew lays out proofs that Jesus is the Messiah. There are two overarching themes in these chapters, but let’s just take a look briefly and the eighth chapter.
1st: Faith.
The leper had faith that Jesus could make him clean.
The Centurion had faith that Jesus could heal his servant, merely by saying the words (he had GREAT faith).
Jesus healed the multitude that came to Peter's house, having faith that he could heal.
Jesus tells his disciples that they would have to forsake all and follow him, that is a life living by faith.
Jesus calmed the stormy sea and the disciples were said to have LITTLE faith.
2nd: Power.
Christ had power over sickness
Christ had divine power in His Word.
Jesus had power over the flesh.
Jesus had power over the elements.
Jesus had power over demons by casting out Legion.
We come, at the beginning of chapter nine, to the next point that Jesus has Divine power over; the power to forgive sins.In chapter nine we have the account of the man with palsly who had come to Christ for healing and forgivness. The multitude had come and the paralyzed man (who was being helped by his friends) were unable to navigate through the crowds to get to the Lord. They went on top of the house, lifted the roofing and lowered their friend down to the Lord.
Jesus say their faith and said “Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven.” The scribes that heard it thought that Jesus had commited blasphemy by saying He could do what only God could do; forgive sins.
Matthew 9:6 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.
Jesus has the power to forgive sins. The word is translated from the word ‘exousia’ which means a power and kingly authority. (“All ‘power’ is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth”). Jesus has the power to forgive sins and has the authority to forgive sins.
The authority to forgive is vastly important. Who do we offend when we sin? We offend God. Who alone has the authority to forgive? Do I have the authority to sign a prisoner’s pardon? Do I have the authority to forgive you enemy for you? NO! only the offended has the authority to forgive. Jesus, God the Son, has the authority as part of the Godhead to forgive sins
Next, as the ‘Son of Man’, the most common term Jesus addressed Himself, Jesus identifies with us as the Godman. Jesus as God has the authority to forgive sins and Jesus, the Son of Man, has the ability to die for sins. The Son of man with the Divine authority on Earth to forgive sins. Jesus plainly tells who He is and what He has come to do, forgive sins.
Jesus is able to forgive. He has the power (ability) to forgive sins and He has the authority to pronounce sins forgiven. Jesus has the means and ability to atone for sins and He has the power to confidently proclaim a man forgiven. He has the authority to command one to go away without fear, for sins are forgiven.
Isaiah 43:25 I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.
Jesus, in His great love and compassion saw the need of one who came to Him by faith. Trembling and afraid, this man came to Christ know that Jesus was able to forgive sins. It was by faith, not by works that this man was healed.
For all those who are unclean by the filth of sin and who are spiritually sick, who are of themselves, unable to move, as the man with palsy. He couldn’t walk to Jesus, he had to be brought by his friends; likewise we, of our own power and accord cannot walk to Christ, but must be brought by the friend and comforter of sinners, the Holy Spirit of God. We are unable to heal ourselves and unable to bring ourselves to the place of salvation. But by faith, we have access to God, and by God’s amazing grace, through faith, we too can arise and walk with the Lord, to come of the bed of death and Hell and walk in newness of life by the Spirit’s power.