God had providentially led Moses from the palace of Pharaoh to the wilderness as a shepherd- then he called him to lead his people, Israel, from Egyptian bondage.
Pharaoh, not wanting to release his slaves, would not let God's people free to worship the Lord. God showed His power through a series of plagues- each resulting in much pain & suffering and the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart not to let God's people go.
Exodus 9:13-26 is the description of the 7th of these awful plagues. Moses went early in the morning to Pharaoh to tell him to let the people go so they could serve God. God would send more plagues to show him and all the Earth that the Lord, He is God by smiting the powerful Pharaoh.
In fact, the very reason God raised up Egypt to a world power and specifically Pharaoh to the height of worldly power was to show GOD'S power in removing Pharaoh.
A plague of rain, hail, and fire threatened. Not just any storm. A storm so fierce that it would not be equaled since the nation of Egypt had been in existence. The people were warned by the Word of the Lord to flee to safety.
Exodus 9:20-21 He that feared the word of the LORD among the servants of Pharaoh made his servants and his cattle flee into the houses: And he that regarded not the word of the LORD left his servants and his cattle in the field.
Those that heard and feared God's Word obeyed. Those that did not regard God's Word, did what they wanted to- and reaped the consequences.
This is the arrogant pride of man refusing to head God's Word. The Bible gives warning after warning of the consequences of sin- yet we do not heed. God is SO good in giving us His Word and often we take it and scoff at it, which is scoffing at God. There are eternal warnings of Hell and the Lake of Fire, there are warnings to repent and that judgment is coming- yet man leaves not just his cows in the field, but his soul.
Think about it- why would the Egyptians at this point DOUBT that another plague would come?
Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.
They did not like to retain God. They just did not want to.
Unbelief. This is a picture of what Biblical unbelief really boils down to. Biblical unbelief is not regarding the Word of God. It wasn't that the people did not believe the Lord Jehovah existed- they most certainly did. And it wasn't that the people did not believe that God had the power or the will to send another plague - they did. The people did not regard God's Word- they just didn't care.
When you do not listen to God's Word, follow His commands, heed His warnings you are living in unbelief. You may believe that God exists and know for a fact that God is almighty and sovereign, but you do not regard His Word, you do not believe His Word.
Don't leave your cows in the field. God is faithful that promised. Both in the promises of blessing and the promises of judgment and chastisement.
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