Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Realistic Self-Assessment of Scriptural Knowledge

There is a danger in assuming we have a vast knowledge of Scripture rather than ensuring we have it. On an unfounded assumption, you can frame your opinions and beliefs on what you think the Bible says rather than what it actually does. Christians assuming they know more than they do, or thinking they know all the important stuff construct their lives and thoughts and actions what they think is right, then say we are following the Bible. If a Christian believes they have a vast knowledge of scripture, they assume their actions and opinions are Bible based. If they don't like something, it must not be true and it must not be Bible. Instead of finding out what the Bible teaches, and then forming our opinions based upon the Word. 

Sadly, many Christians look for:

More Sentimentality than scripture.
Hold to the verses of Hank Williams over verses of Hebrews.
Prefer the prophets of Hollywood over the Prophets of the Holy Lord.
Listen more to the sweet psalmists of Nashville than the Sweet psalmist of Israel
More Papaw than the apostle Paul.
Lean more on emotion than on inspiration.
Take the TV over the Testaments;
feelings more than foundational truth.

We need a realistic self-assessment of our scriptural knowledge in which we can honestly say we do not know or do not understand something in scripture. Only then can we grow in knowledge.



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