It should be the desire of every born-again believer in
the Lord Jesus Christ to know God’s will which is revealed through His Word. We
live in an age when we have more access to the Bible than any other group of
disciples of Christ. Walk the aisles of the average Christian bookstore and you
will find hundreds and hundreds of Bibles to choose from. Dozens and dozens of
different versions litter the shelves. I would dare say that the majority of
the readers of this paper have multiple copies of the Bible sitting in your
home right now.
And yet for all that, there is more Biblical illiteracy
in America today than ever before. The average church-goer today is not
familiar with the Bible. Few of them know the difference between the book of
Judges and Jeremiah.
I am going to make what should be a very obvious
statement: if you are a Christian, you should love the Bible. At least seven
times in Psalm 119 the Psalmist said he loved the law and precepts of God. This
is how every believer should feel. Rather than finding reading the Bible a drudgery, we
should consider it a delight.
This book brings us to God. It is the Revelation of God
to us. It is His Divine Love, letter drafted in the pages of eternity past, for
every one of His children. It will keep us from that which will harm us and
bring us into closer fellowship with Him.
Yet I am afraid, that the Very Word of Life, the Bible, is
perhaps the most neglected book we own.
Did you know that the average reader, not the
exceptional, but just the average reader, can read through the entire Bible in
one year; by simply reading 10 minutes a day, every day? Yet every survey done
of Evangelicals tells us again and again, that God’s people simply do not read
God’s Word. The percentage of confessed believers who have actually read the
entire Bible is embarrassingly low. How can we know the mind of God, if we are
not familiar with the Word of God?
Consider this staggering statistic: if young people would
spend just 10 percent of the time reading their Bible that they now spend on
electronic media everyday, they could read the entire Bible in just 4 months.
But do you realize that those numbers are almost the same for adults?! The
average adult today spends hours every day on social media, surfing the
internet or some form of electronic media. Yet, we seemingly cannot find 10-15
minutes on a day-by-day basis to familiarize ourselves with what our Creator
has said to us.
I do not intend this article to be a sharp rebuke, but an eye-opening encouragement. While it may seem a daunting task, you can read your Bible. Let 2017 be the year that you finally commit yourself in word and deed to reading the blessed entirety of God’s Holy Word.
I do not intend this article to be a sharp rebuke, but an eye-opening encouragement. While it may seem a daunting task, you can read your Bible. Let 2017 be the year that you finally commit yourself in word and deed to reading the blessed entirety of God’s Holy Word.
There is a sanctifying influence to the Word of God that
we deny ourselves when we do not have a daily intake of the renewing power of
the Word. The Bible will keep you from sin, and sin will keep you from the
The words of eternal life are found in this Sacred Book. A
careful and continued study of the pages of the Bible will lead you to the
Person and Work of Christ. Jesus said in John 5:39, “Search the Scriptures for
in them you think you have eternal life. And they are they, which testify of
me. “
Etched in black and white on the pages of the Bible are
the words that are able to make you wise unto salvation. If you do not know
Jesus Christ, read the Bible. It will teach you of your Creator and of the
dearest friend you could ever have.
Pastor Lewis Kiger
Memorial Heights Baptist Church
Nice article and encouragement!!
Thanks! I just hope it is an encouragement for all of us to familiarize ourselves with the Word of Life.
God bless
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