Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Famous for a Reason

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” I suppose John 3:16 is one of the most familiar verses in the Bible. It’s blessed verse. A glorious sentence spoken by our gracious Saviour. God in his infinite wisdom, ordained that men would receive salvation and the forgiveness of sins through faith, the gift of God. God saves by grace. Full and free, complete and perfect salvation.

The love of God is on full display in John 3 showing us God saves unworthy, undeserving sinners. It doesn’t beautify love to say that God loves everyone equally, all in the same way, and some of his loved ones go to hell, and some don’t. Does it uphold and beautify and make great a love that loves me the same way as Pharaoh? Or, that I am loved the same way and as much as God loves Goliath. Does it inspire worship and praise that God loves me the same as he loved the rich man in Hell?

Other than several inches, what’s the difference between me and Goliath? Other than political power, what’s the difference between me and Pharaoh? Other than money, what’s the difference between me and the rich man? You could argue (and would be correct) that these men are far my superior. Goliath was a great champion. A war hero. A battle-hardened famous warrior. I played football in High School. Pharaoh was the most powerful king on Earth. He had the power of life and death in his words. He ruled a nation and is famous, even today. Pyramids and structures still stand built in honor of the throne he held. I work for the state of WV. Do you really need me to point out the difference between a rich man and a preacher? Superior strength. Superior intellect. Superior wealth, power, and influence. There really is nothing that I have that’s any better than these three men.  Knowing my heart, like I do, I can’t say that I’m morally superior.

Why am I saved? Why are they in Hell and I’m on my way to Heaven? Not because I’m any better, smarter, stronger, or worthier. I’m saved because the Father so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son as a sin-sacrifice, an atonement, a propitiation for sins of those he loved. The Son expiated the sins of those people, forgiving and paying the sin debt. And, according to the wisdom of God, we receive the forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and escape the punishment of hell, by faith in the finished work of Christ. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting lifeJohn 3:16 displays God’s great love, his perfect salvation, and the triumph of his eternal plan. I implore you, to believe in the Only Begotten Son and receive everlasting life.

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