Monday, March 2, 2020

I missed it

I missed my Monday morning post on Bible reading last week. I had one of those weeks where I was swamped with things I had to do. Sick kids. Extra responsibilities. New problems that came up and other urgent deadlines to meet. I didn't have time to write the Monday post.

In other words, I'm a human being living on Earth. It's not uncommon to have a hectic week. That's just the way life works in a fallen world. So what do you do when you have a really busy week and it seems every minute is filled with some pressing need? You have to do first things first, and let other things slide. Posting this devotional wasn't the most important thing I had to do, so I skipped it.

Some days, you are going to be so busy it feels like you won't be able to breathe. You might oversleep and have to rush out the door. You might be the sick one. In times like that, it's important to get the most important things done first, or at least, prioritize what's most important. Then, the decision becomes what is least important and what do I need to leave out.

And what if you failed? What if you whiffed and didn't read your Bible? That doesn't mean you give up. Keep going. Don't stop. And if you trip and fall flat on your face yesterday, today is a good day to start again. There's no rule that you must read the Bible in a calendar year. So if you messed up, pick up where you left off and keep moving forward.

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