Tuesday, September 14, 2021

I Believe in Science

I believe in science and I'm a Bible believing Christian! Science, in the general sense, means to know.  Noah Webster said science can also speak of "one of the seven liberal branches of knowledge, viz., grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music." We are continually told to "believe in Science" which is a denial of three of the first branches of knowledge. Science isn't something to believe in, but it's "the state of knowing." Grammatically, you believe in the scientific method or trust the research of scientists. Responding to anyone who disagrees with you by saying they "deny science" is a logical fallacy and showing deficiency in the rhetorical skill to make the case you are trying to make, because calling names doesn't change minds.


The modern Webster's Dictionary says science is, "the state of knowing; knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding." I believe in science because I believe in knowing things and not being ignorant. The pejorative of science denial is really a somewhat more sophisticated way of saying, "I'm smarter than you, idiot." I don't pretend to have all knowledge but not believing everything someone in a lab coat says (who also does not have all knowledge) doesn't make me a Philistine. Disagreeing with scientific conclusions based on competing data sets does not make you anti-science.


The Encyclopedia Britannica's article on science says, "Kepler’s laws, Newton’s absolute space, and Einstein’s rejection of the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics were all based on theological, not scientific, assumptions." Having faith and knowing truth about the world around us are not competing ideas. Modern science began when men became skeptical of God and divorced ultimate truth from research. We have now arrived back to the intersection of science and religion, just as in the Middle Ages, only the religion is Science. By removing God and ultimate truth from scientific study, we have exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God as the foundation of knowledge for our own knowledge as the foundation of knowing. The Dogma of this secular religion will not be denied or you will be excommunicated (i.e., canceled). Being skeptical of scientific research of any sort does not make you anti-science. At the same time, skepticism without knowledge doesn't make you a free thinker, it could just make you argumentative. Scrolling through Facebook reading dank memes does not qualify as scientific research (not yet anyway).


The omniscience of God is a foundational truth of theology, once called the Queen of the Sciences. Omni comes from Latin which means "all or every" and we know what the latter part of omni-science means. God is all knowing and knows with perfect, pure, infallible, and infinite knowledge. God knows every event, great or small, every word and whisper, every heart and intention. Which is a comforting truth to those who have their faith in Christ. But consider without Christ, to have the Judge know with a perfect knowledge, your every thought. Put your faith in the all-knowing.


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