Monday, February 28, 2011

When PEOPLE are BIG and God is Small: A book review

"We need to need people less and love people more."

When PEOPLE are BIG and God is Small
by Edward T. Welch.

This is an excellent book dealing with the fear of man. The fear of man goes so much further than merely being "afraid" of people. The fear of man is setting up people as idols, with our thoughts, actions and affections being controlled by men and not God.
Part one deals with identifying the fear of man in our lives, part two deals with dealing with the fear of God in our lives.

The remedies are not self help remedies, but they are scriptural and immensely practical. The book is not superficial, nor worldly in its focus or application. This deals a death blow to the "self-esteem" controlled times in which we live. The solution is clearly laid out, but this is such a deep running sin issue that only the power of God in us can break this idol of the fear of man. Many will read this book and find that they have been lied to their entire lives and it will be a painful, but profitable look at the deep seated sin that permeates the lives of a great number of Christians.

We need to fear God, not man. The more fear of God a Christian has, the less fear of man there will be. The reoccurring theme is that "we need to need people less, and love people more." Welch shines the light of God's word in the dark regions of the heart where we have those secret hidden idols that we give colorful and pretty names to; self-esteem, needs, peer-pressure, and on and on.
I recommend this book highly. Parents of teenagers, or pre-teens may find this book extremely helpful in helping to identify and help others deal with the fear of man in their lives.

So thankful that I read this book, and it has been one of those books that God has used to minister to my soul. Lord willing, this will be a book that I return to over and over again.

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