Thursday, March 30, 2017

Remember Me

1 Corinthians 11:24 …Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

Christians have bad memories. Jesus in His mercy provided a way for us to worship Him and have our blessed Lord's work to the forefront of our minds. The closer we get to the world, or the more we give our hearts over to worldly pursuits, the further our hearts are from God. One purpose of the Lord's Supper is to see the Lord with eyes of faith, and remember what He did for us. Our Lord Jesus has been gracious to us in giving us means to remember him. This does not mean Christians forget Jesus exists, but rather Jesus is not thought of as we go through our lives.
Vasily Polenov's The Lord's Supper

God's people need to daily look to Jesus and remember our sins, confess them, and then know that our sins were dealt with by the sacrifice of Jesus. Remember, the Lamb of God came to lay down His life for His people, to save them from their sins. Remember Christ shed His blood, the just for the unjust. Remember Jesus shed his blood for the remission of your sins. Remember, Jesus bled to purge and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Remember that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins and this real blood spilled from His real and true body. The same body that was beaten and the same body in which the Lord bore our sins laid dead in the tomb. The same body from which his life blood poured out, laid cold and dead and buried for three days and three nights . Remember, that the same body which was broken for you, and died for you, and was in the tomb for you, raised from the dead for our justification.

Jesus said to take the Lord's supper in remembrance of Him. This is a blessed gift to the Lord's church. Are you saved but deny yourself the privilege of partaking of this Heavenly ordinance by not joining the Lord's church? The Lord Jesus established a supper and uses it to draw our hearts and minds to His sacrificial work on the cross; and will you forsake this? For what? What could be so important? What other object in this world could be so worthy of your time and your attention that you will forsake the Lord's Supper for it? Don't discard the blessed means of remembrance. Do not ignore or abandon the gracious invitation to fellowship with Christ. Do not renounce the kind command given for your benefit. Do this. Do this for remembrance – not for regeneration. These are memorial aids, not sacrificial offerings. These are pictures of the Lord, not the Lord Himself. To say the Lord is sacrificed afresh with each observance of the ordinance is blasphemy. You cannot take the Lord's Supper in remembrance of the Lord if you have never come to meet him the first time.

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