This week brings us the D.M. Lloyd-Jones addition of Apples of Gold this week. These quotes came from his book Studies on the Sermon on the Mount.
We now have Marriage Guidance classes. Up to this century mean and women were married without this expert advice which now seems to be so essential.
It is a great characteristic of scriptural truth that it can compress, as it were, the whole content of our entire position into a pregnant verse such as this. ‘Ye’, said our Lord, looking out upon those simple people, those entirely unimportant people from the standpoint of the world, ‘Ye are the light of the world.’ It is one of those statements which should always have the effect upon us of making us lift up our heads, causing us to realize once more what a remarkable and glorious thing it is to be a Christian.
Though you try to educate and control man it will avail nothing as long as his nature is sinful and fallen and he is a creature of passion and dishonor. We have tried knowledge, we have tried education, we have tried political enactments, we have tried international conferences, we have tried them all but nothing avails. Is there no hope? Yes, there is abundant and everlasting hope: “Ye must be born again”.
Douglas Newell IV
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