This is the second sale this year, and I made out pretty good, if I must say. The Christian books represent well this time around, but I did pretty good on the non-fiction books.
I got my boys several paperback classics like The Time Machine, Red Badge of Courage, Three Musketeers and Robin Hood.
I am excited about two books in particular that fall in the non-fiction category. The first is The Day Lincoln was Shot by Jim Bishop. It is an hour by hour account of that infamous day that, well, the day Lincoln was shot (I love the title, not fancy, not "clever" or deceptive. You know what your getting). The second book I look forward to is American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur by William Manchester. Sadly and to my shame, I don't know what I should about the World Wars. In all the years of public schooling, not once did any of my teachers talk about WWI or WWII. Sad. That is one reason (howbeit a small reason) my wife and I are homeschooling. How could you not teach about WWII?
One funny observation. I arrived at the sale at 8:45am. The sale started at 9:00am. The place was packed already. I stopped for a moment and looked around; it was like a swarm of ants. Every man, woman and child for themselves.

Manners? Politeness? Fairness? Come, these are books after all. I suppose when people see books for a $1 and then see you taking the book that they would have if they had gotten there first, it stirs our little sinful hearts up. Fortunately, no one was injured; well, seriously injured anyway. 8^)
1 comment:
You always seem to do so well at these!I was happy this time with what I got. 2 books in one of a two part series for .50, pretty good, I say.
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