Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Vinegar upon Nitre - Not a Good Thing

Proverbs 25:20  As he that taketh away a garment in cold weather, and as vinegar upon nitre, so is he that singeth songs to an heavy heart.

First things first. What in the world is nitre?

I like the definition in Nave's Topical Dictionary. I think he understood as much as I do. His full definition: "a chemical". So, there you go. 

Since I'm no chemist and somehow passed chemistry in high school by the skin of my teeth by putting in Naves-like effort in learning about chemical properties, I'll give you what little I have come to understand about the aforementioned nitre. This chemical, from what my betters have discovered, is potassium nitrate, which is like a soda or carbonate and bubbles and fizzes when combined with acids, like vinegar. Apparently it was used to wash clothes in ancient times. Some sort of Ancient Egyptian Secret. I did a search on YouTube for potassium nitrate, and apparently we Americans have harnessed this power in different ways.

Without exactly knowing that vinegar causes nitre to be as bubbly as a Hello Kitty tour guide, we can tell by the taking the coat away in the cold example, that it isn't a good thing. It doesn't do much good taking a persons coat when they are freezing. Nor would it help a person carrying nitre to have you go and start a chemical reaction in their hands. Upon reflection, neither of these things would be optimal.

The "as" and the "so" is the key. Not to be overly simple, but these little words clue us in on how to read proverbs. As these two bad things are, so it is equally bad to do this other bad thing. In other words, only a jerk would take away a man's coat in a blizzard or dump water in a box of a man's Tide and everyone knows that.

It is equally bad to sing songs to a heavy heart. It is trying to overlook the pain of one whose heart is heavy by applying the wrong medicine at the wrong time. Proverbs 17:22  says A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. But be discerning enough to know when to apply this salve to which wound. I'm sure Tylenol would help the pain of a rattlesnake bite, but lets deal with the deadly poison coursing through my veins first. In other words telling someone to "cheer up" when they have just been devastated is not likely to be the best medicine. Another bit of science, the world doesn't revolve around you, or me as far as that goes. In fact, almost failing chemistry is one of the ways I learned that said earth's rotation has little to do with me and my proximity. Because you are not sad, that doesn't mean others are not, and trying to make them happy by singing songs is not going to help the situation, it is only going to make it worse.

There are those unfortunate souls who revel in sorrow and are their happiest when they are miserable. We are dealing with a person who is genuinely sad and a person who genuinely wants to help. One person has a very good reason to be brokenhearted, and the other person hates to see them that way. The problem arises in how to help them. Solomon is telling us if we go and act like a morning radio show in the midst of someone's sorrow to try to "help them" you are going to make it worse.

There are exceptions, of course, but if most people could just "cheer up" they would. There is a time to grieve and if you want to be a friend, don't be superficial with your friends pain. Sympathize, show loving compassion. There is a middle ground between being a clown and being a "friend to Job".

There is a time to weep and a time to laugh. Learn the difference.With kindly and brotherly affection, weep with them that weep. Help them, hear them, pray for them, and point them to Christ.

Grace & Peace,


Kathleen said...

Just read this verse with my mom...looked up nitre and started putting the pieces together. My husband leaves for Saudia Arabia for three years a week from today, and my daughter leaves for Denmark two weeks from today. Understandably, I am trying to fend off grief until after they leave. Having my mother call, asking me to help her understand this verse, was the Lord's good blessing to me today. Reading your blog about it was the Lord's compassionate and loving gift of laughter and joy to me in spite of the pain. Thank You, Lord Jesus, and thank you, Douglas Newell!

doug4 said...

Kathleen, thanks for the kind words. I'm praying for you and your family that God would give you grace and strength.

C.A.B. B.I.r.D said...

Great blog in fact gonna pass it around, good thing I was looking for nitre and not niter, they are two different things.

C.A.B. B.I.r.D said...

Great blog in fact gonna pass it around, good thing I was looking for nitre and not niter, they are two different things.

Greg said...

Thanks Brother Doug. Reading my Bible this morning and needed to understand nitre and so you showed up first in my search. Appreciate the insight. Looking forward to checking out more of your blog. I've wondered about that verse for over twenty years now. I got part of it and you filled in the rest. So blessed that God answered prayers.
Thanks again and may God richly bless you for your teaching/explanations.
Greg Parrent, Romans 8:28, II Timothy 2:15

doug4 said...

Thanks for stopping by and for the encouraging word, Greg. It's a blessing to see God's graciousness and goodness in answering our prayers.

Unknown said...

Like others, I was combing through Proverbs, and wanted to know what nitre was. I looked up the definition and then looked up what would happen when you mixed with vinegar. Happy that the Lord lead me to this post. Although I understood the concept, I enjoyed the way in which you simplified and put it together. Thank you for helping to shine a light in a dark place and may God continue to bless you in your efforts.

Unknown said...

Ty for the help in understanding this verse. Our great God and Saviour Jesus bless you.

Unknown said...

Thanks. It was really helpful

Unknown said...

Great stuff Bro Doug! I received further insight into this verse reading your post. Thanks and Be Blessed.

sazzad islam sizu said...

Hey, This is a great article shared by you. It's very informative and knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing this with us love from World's First Apple Cider Vinegar Gummy Vitamins by Goli Nutrition

Unknown said...

Glory to God in heaven for your breakdown to this’s helpful and eye opening

Unknown said...

Thank you Doug, I appreciate your thoughts on this verse, after I looked it up this morning from my reading. I just wanted to know what happens when you put vinegar upon nitre. There have been times when I foolishly tried to cheer up someone with a very heavy heart and it was just not good timing on my part, or sensitive. I thank you for the reminder that sometimes our insensitive efforts to help someone can blow up nd make it worse. God bless you and glory to God for His wisdom gleaned from Proverbs. Please pray for a young pastor and his 2 daughters. His wife and their mom was taken to heaven suddenly in a car wreck here. The family and relatives can use prayer. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Good article Doug thank you for the gleanings from this verse in the Proverbs today. Hopefully can help us remember to be Discerning in our efforts to help others so we don't make matters worse. Don't want it to blow up like vinegar upon nitre!

Megan Marcel said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you for your Biblical wisdom. 🙏🏾