Saturday, June 21, 2014

Quiet: A Book Review

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

by Susan Cain

A very interesting book on the idea of a quiet personality. Whether or not the categories of introvert/extrovert are correct, I don’t know, but I do know I found myself relating to and identifying myself in the descriptions of the introvert. Some of the studies fascinating to me, especially how the brain and the chemicals in our bodies react differently in different people in the same situation. Though I can’t speak for the validity of the research, I can identify with most of the characteristics of the introvert that were listed and believe I have benefited from some of the practical suggestions that were given.

But I had two problems. The first is that there is no place for the soul in the book. It is all about the body and our physiology. Tenderheartedness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit of God. And though, by God’s common grace, there may be some that are more sensitive than others – this is not a chemical, evolutionary attribute but because we are made in God’s image, some are more tenderhearted than others. But, the extroverted believer, indwelt by the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, will also be tenderhearted. The reverse is true – sin isn’t excused by “I was born this way” which was subtly hinted out in a few places. 

The other issue (since I said I had two) is Cain really didn’t have anywhere to hang her introverted hat. Meaning there were was nothing solid to hang her assertions on and no solid ground for  her exhortations. A Biblical view would be that God has created us, knit us together in our mother’s womb to be the person that we are. I am what I am by the grace of God. There are places that my quiet personality can be used for God’s glory, and there are places that the outgoing will be used for God’s glory.

If we take the introvert/extrovert personality types for granted as correct categories, then we should realize that each person is a depraved introvert/extrovert, and will be selfish with what God has blessed them with. The extrovert will, at times, selfishly make himself the center of attention and bull over the quiet and the quiet will, at times, selfishly keep and withhold good from his neighbor. Those who are quiet and thoughtful will not express concern, warnings, and show love while those who are extroverted may take and take without being quiet, listen, and receive. All through the book, I my mind kept coming back to the book of proverbs and thinking "the answer is here! This is a spiritual issue!"

I learned a lot from the book, both when I agreed and disagreed. I don’t know that I would recommend the book, but I would urge you to do a thorough study of the mind, soul, and personality from scripture before picking up this book.

Strike that. Whether or not you read the book, do the study anyway. 

Grace & Peace

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