This book is a gem. Yogi Berra once quipped, "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." I think that some Christians view their decision making processes much in the same way. They make the choice and then think about their decision making process latter when the consequences come. What is a Christian to do when we come to a fork in the road of our life and multiple choices seem to be before us? Which way do we go? What path to we choose? Many people, when they want guidance just want someone to tell them exactly what to do. They want a sign, they
Sinclair Ferguson deals with the issue of guidance
Biblically and gives the reader the foundation and principles needed to make wise
decisions. The foundation of knowing what to do is God's Word. Will the Bible tell you which girl to marry? No, but it will tell you what you should be looking for in a wife. God wants us to think and that is not an unnatural exercise. This is the kind of book that I think should be required reading for
young Christians. This would be a great tool for Christian teenagers to read
and digest while still at home prior to making many choices that will set the course for the rest of their lives. It is better to know and have the principles before a big decision
has to be made.
What I appreciate is the fact that the book is founded on
the principles of the sufficiency of scripture, but does not deny the spiritual
aspects of the Word. This book may be extremely helpful for those who tend to
bend towards the Charismatic side in their idea of what the will of God is and
what guidance actually entails.
Good book.
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