Here we go, our first addition of the Monday Morning QB, and on Sunday night to boot! An look at the past week, some random thoughts and a look to the week to come.
- Isaiah 3:4 And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. I am not sure if we are being governed by the naive, the childish, or just the arrogant. I told someone this week, that by suffering through poor governments now, we will better appreciate the rule of Jesus in the millennial reign. But, we still live in the greatest nation on Earth, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
- Speaking of being ruled by the childish, election coverage has become ridiculously absurd reporting elections as if it were a sporting event. I can't remember now which station (I was watching the networks) but if memory serves, it was an ABC pundit who, said "As Shakespeare said, 'it rains on the just and the unjust alike." Shakespeare? Really? Then the 'smart people' on the panel chuckled is an air of intellectual superiority. Shakespeare did say it, but he was QUOTING the Lord Jesus Christ, from THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. That 15 second moment sort of summed up for me what is wrong with our country.
- I usually start my Bible reading through the year in November. Something about starting January first always hindered me. When I start in November, it makes me think that I have an extra two months to read through the Bible for the next year. Which is kind of silly, but it works for me.
- Now HERE is a COEXIST sticker I can agree with.
- When we like the command, it isn’t really displaying great obedience; it is more that we agree with the command. Obedience is shown when we do not agree or do not understand the command, but do it anyway.
- There has been some discussion concerning the King James Bible in the Lord's churches recently, and I have found some good reading on the subject. Milburn Cockrell wrote a good article on why he preached from the KJV.
- JC Philpot wrote an good defense of the KJV here.
- Dishonest Dealings. It really bothers me when men, in defending their position, misrepresent the other side, intentionally to make their side better. That is nothing more than a false witness. If you can't make your case without lying about it you either need to reexamine your position, or let someone who has a better grasp of the issue defend your position.
- Sunday recap. In the morning service, I preached on "Practical thoughts on the Doctrine of Election." We need to make sure that the doctrine is in the head, but also live with the doctrine in our heart.
- Sunday evening was continuing on our study of the first 11 chapters of Genesis. We took up days 2-4. We have sickness running through the church, pray the Lord blesses with strength and grace.
- With God's marvelous design in mind, here is a great video about seed dispersal. How anyone could deny creation and design after thinking about the following video is beyond me.
- This week:
Looking forward to continuing our Wednesday night study on things Paul was thankful for. I was really blessed last week in the study of having a thankful heart. Lord willing we will tackle Day 5 of creation next Sunday evening, and praying that God will strengthen the saints during the week. We need God every second, every hour! Let's not forsake prayer, and go to God this week needy, confident and thankful in Christ.
Douglas Newell IV
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