Thursday, December 10, 2009

What Do You Know?

1. Name one citizen from the Land of Oz.
2. Name one citizen from the Land of Uz.
3. List the character names of the children from “The Brady Bunch”.
4. List the names of the children of Israel.
5. Put these shows in order based upon date of airing.
a. Gunsmoke
b. Seinfeld
d. Cheers

6. Put these books in order based upon their appearing.
a. Zephaniah
b. Habakkuk
c. Amos
d. Hosea

7. Who was the 1st President of the United States?
8. Who was the 1st King of Israel?
9. Name the two major political parties.
10. Name the two divided kingdoms.
11. What is your favorite movie, and how many times have you seen it?
12. What is your favorite book of the bible, and how many times have you read it?
13. Who won the Super Bowl last year?
14. What did your pastor preach on last Sunday?
15. List 10 current TV shows.
16. List 10 Commandments.

Fill in the blank.
17. John and Kate plus _________.
18. I Peter 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, _______souls were saved by water.
19. What does CSI stand for?
20. What does T.U.L.I.P stand for?

Is 100% a good score? Is 50% a good score? Did you get more odd numbered questions than even?
Something to think about; what is it we think about?


Douglas Newell IV


Crystal said...

This is truly a hard reality. What DO we think about? I think most of us would be ashamed with our answers. I know I am. Thank you for this dose of reality.

doug4 said...

This is a very "post-modern" test. A 50% can be either good or very, very bad. Just depends. 8^)