Sunday, January 11, 2009

Psalms 119:33-34

Psalms 119:33-34 Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart.

At first glance, it may appear that the psalmist has said the same thing in two verses. Teach me the way of thy statutes, give me understanding, I shall keep it unto the end, I shall keep thy law. Though subtle, there is a difference. In verse 33, the prayer is that God would teach the way of the statutes. God is our teacher in spiritual matters, and when we learn, or are taught the word, it is God that teaches us. Being taught also intimates the babe in Christ, one who didn't have previous knowledge. All spiritual knowledge and learning is of Christ. Though a man may preach, or one may read and study, it is God that reveals these truths to us. This is not the same as understanding. In my personal life, I was taught about the trinity. Prior to being taught, I didn't know anything about the Godhead, but after being taught, God gave me knowledge I previously did not have, but I didn't (and still don't) have full understanding of the Trinity. It is God who gave me the little understanding I have now. In secular terms, I have been taught some about auto mechanics. I can troubleshoot basic problems. I know that fuel is needed, a spark to ignite the fuel, a battery and starter etc. but I don't have a good understanding of why these components are needed. The spiritual babe in Christ is taught, but needs understanding to grow into maturity. We need to know the law to keep it, and need understanding to observe it with our whole heart.

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