We are Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians who have united at this hour to reaffirm fundamental truths about justice and the common good, and to call upon our fellow citizens, believers and non-believers alike, to join us in defending them. These truths are:
1.the sanctity of human life
2.the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife
3.the rights of conscience and religious liberty.
There are many well known “evangelical” Christian pastors and teachers that have signed this declaration. With our world in turmoil and the godlessness of our country, leaders want to come together and do something about this lack of morality in our land. For those Christians who have been called into a life of public service, good for you, I pray you are successful. However, this group is not founded in the views of a stated political movement. The Manhattan Declaration’s entire basis of unity is under the flag of Christianity. There is a difference between being a member of a political party (Republican, Democrat, Conservative etc.) with those who disagree doctrinally because of the purpose and unifying statements. By signing and joining, you have, either condoned other denominational practices, or compromised the truth. Those that sign the document and claim to hold to biblical doctrine say that they separate the doctrine and unify in what they share in common against a mutual enemy.
While I am vehemently opposed to abortion and gay marriage, I do not believe that groups like this one will bring about the change they are seeking. Coalitions are not the power of God unto salvation. Political action groups are not the power of God unto salvation. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Godly King Josiah regulated morality in his kingdom, and the egregious sins were put to an end, for a time. However by reading the book of Jeremiah, we see that because it was only outward obedience without salvation, the people fell away soon thereafter. We are not called to get laws passed, but preach the gospel to lost sinners, baptize believers and teach the saved the truth. A national revival of strong preaching, gospel proclaiming, godly sorrow and repentance will put an end to abortion and gay marriage, for good. Now, after all these centuries, we have the document that will bring about liberty, peace and justice; the Manhattan Document? The document claims that the signers are joined together in the gospel, but which gospel? I know the bible teaches justification by faith in Jesus Christ; however Catholic and Orthodox churchmen do not hold nor teach the truth concerning the gospel, so I ask again, which gospel are they uniting in? This brand of ecumenical unity promotes a post-modern world view; your truth is your own and what you make it to be. We see the further development that Christianity is a term to differentiate you from Jew or Muslim or Atheist, rather than what it is, being born again by the power of God, by his mercy and grace.
You WILL compromise if you sign this declaration if you are a Baptist. By signing this manifesto, you are saying that justification by faith, the doctrines of grace and the gospel of Christ and the truth of His church is secondary when faced with such social issues. Simply by signing, you are compromising the truth of God’s word. The premise of the statement is that Christians are standing together to fight social injustice. Standing together on what? They are not standing together in the truth. Certainly not the Word of God. We defiantly cannot stand together in the gospel when some preach another gospel. There can be no fellowship in salvation in Christ if they believe in another Christ. Why stop at interdenominational confederation?
It is unbiblical. How can two walk together except they be agreed? What fellowship do we have with the Devil? What fellowship do we have with the Mother of Harlots? II Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. Do not forget what our Baptist forefathers suffered at the hands of a powerful, political power called the Catholic Church and her Protestant harlot daughters. And as far as supporting, joining in with, and perpetuating their political power; no thanks. It is hard to imagine that the Catholic Church is advocating freedom of conscience. As a member of the Church that Christ love and died for, that is the pillar and ground of the truth, I cannot, in a clear conscience to God, unite with those historic groups who persecute and persecuted my Baptist forefathers, whose sole source of unity during the Reformation, what a mutual opposition to the Anabaptist. By God’s grace, never.
Douglas Newell