Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mary Jones and Her Bible

Mary Jones was a young Welsh born in the late 1700’s. She was born into a poor, but God fearing family. Mary, saved by God’s Grace at an early age, had a love for God’s word. Being poor and uneducated, her heart’s desire was to learn to read, and then purchase a bible of her own. Bibles were few and far between in Wales thus making them very expensive.

This book chronicles the very long and patient journey of young Mary Jones in her quest to know more of her Saviour, Jesus Christ. In a world where we can so easily access the Word of God, it is humbling and convicting to read of this young girl and the love and sacrifice she made to read God’s word. Her trails and her story lead to the foundation of the British and Foreign Bible Society, which purposed to get the Word of God into the hands of the people who did not have it.

The book brought me to tears, and I highly recommend it to you.

Douglas Newell

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